Searching for indicator just like searching for Holy Grail - page 4


Oh stop it with your demo statement, you can demo all day long means nothing. Try real trading with real money on the line.

I'm done here with this idiot.

Your analysis isn't bad though. Good job you have potential.

Oh god give me a break, you're killing me.

try trading with 1 standard lot instead of mini micro then we'll see how good you're trading is.. You're so far from reality its not even funny any more.

As for me posting trades, i'm not the one trying to prove anything, making profound statements of biblical proportions. I did post one or two a while ago just to prove a point to someone not to dissimilar to yourself. An idiot! i wont do it again as i have nothing to gain by it, only to find monkeys like you thinking you're a real trader with you're mini micro.

Good luck with your $69 bucks, maybe go to the movies.. On your own.


that's demo idiot. It's demo competition that count on percentage gain, not standard or mini or micro.

I can through 10, 20 lots if i want to but that does not make no different idiots.

745 pips 2 weeks.

Show me what you got. Jealous

I don't need to show my real acct. afraid you are gonna kiss my ass and beg me for another round of my Banana Coffee. kakaka


that's demo idiot. It's demo competition that count on percentage gain, not standard or mini or micro.

I can through 10, 20 lots if i want to but that does not make no different idiots.

745 pips 2 weeks.

Show me what you got. Jealous

I don't need to show my real acct. afraid you are gonna kiss my ass and beg me for another round of my Banana Coffee. kakaka

You'll need that many pips trading 10 cents or a buck, go knock yourself out with that pile. But if you think you'll do that many pips on standard account you're in for a big shock back to reality.

if you compare the % gain on competitions the difference between live and demo is is an ocean apart. Its like playing Xbox game modern warfare then thinking you're a soldier and off to Afghanistan you. You'll get slammed. so trading Demo is of no significance what so ever, 745 pips, 7500 pips it makes no difference. plus your Take profit sucks so your R/R isn't good.

Your stops are on average 50- 90 pips, if you use one all the time that is. So everything you've ever learnt on a demo is out the window when now your stops are not 50 bucks 90 bucks, they're 500 or 900 bucks.

Its nice to dream, but you need a reality check. safe having demo with 100k in it, try 10k of your own money and we'll see if you're still full of it.

You'll need that many pips trading 10 cents or a buck, go knock yourself out with that pile. But if you think you'll do that many pips on standard account you're in for a big shock back to reality.

if you compare the % gain on competitions the difference between live and demo is is an ocean apart. Its like playing Xbox game modern warfare then thinking you're a soldier and off to Afghanistan you. You'll get slammed. so trading Demo is of no significance what so ever, 745 pips, 7500 pips it makes no difference. plus your Take profit sucks so your R/R isn't good.

Your stops are on average 50- 90 pips, if you use one all the time that is. So everything you've ever learnt on a demo is out the window when now your stops are not 50 bucks 90 bucks, they're 500 or 900 bucks.

Its nice to dream, but you need a reality check. safe having demo with 100k in it, try 10k of your own money and we'll see if you're still full of it.

HAHAA 10k you consider it's big. OH PITY YOU, POOR LITTLE TRADER

go buy usd/cad and sell gbp/jpy make some pips right now idiot

don't know how to trade sit there wait like idiot . kakaka

Imknow you have been for followed my trade call . how acurate it's. HAHA

HAHAA 10k you consider it's big. OH PITY YOU, POOR LITTLE TRADER

go buy usd/cad and sell gbp/jpy make some pips right now idiot

don't know how to trade sit there wait like idiot . kakaka

Imknow you have been for followed my trade call . how acurate it's. HAHA

Stop this shit please. You can insult each other via IM's if you cannot live without it.

HAHAA 10k you consider it's big. OH PITY YOU, POOR LITTLE TRADER

go buy usd/cad and sell gbp/jpy make some pips right now idiot

don't know how to trade sit there wait like idiot . kakaka

Imknow you have been for followed my trade call . how acurate it's. HAHA

says the man who's trading a mini micro and demo account.

says the man who's trading a mini micro and demo account.

oh another winning call. kakaka

you can't do shit man


enough to proof. I am out of here for the week

acc_1.png  81 kb
oh another winning call. kakaka

you can't do shit man


enough to proof. I am out of here for the week

Seems like you feel you have a lot to prove? I sense you are trying to compensate for some other area .

These are demo trades. When you going to start trading for real? The only calls you're making are " 10 chicken wings, 1 zinger and 2 fries"..

i have noticed you only respond around this time. is that because its late evening in China and your shift at KFC is finished?

I take it back what i said.. Your technical analysis is not good at all.

Seems like you feel you have a lot to prove? I sense you are trying to compensate for some other area .

These are demo trades. When you going to start trading for real? The only calls you're making are " 10 chicken wings, 1 zinger and 2 fries"..

i have noticed you only respond around this time. is that because its late evening in China and your shift at KFC is finished?

I take it back what i said.. Your technical analysis is not good at all.

KAKAKA, Idiot is always is an idiot. I don't use technical analysis like most of you do, fool.

I don't sit there, trying to see Moving averages cross, candle stick formations, double top, double bottom, 123 pattern, head and shoulders, overbought, oversold, convergence, divergences, only trade with trend, money management 1:1 RW, 30 -40 pips stoploss. all these are fool of sh..........t.

Yeah! sit there follow these forex educational and make your coffee.

anyway have a good time with you Mr Philt

eh I like this: is that because its late evening in China and your shift at KFC is finished? LOL

KAKAKA, Idiot is always is an idiot. I don't use technical analysis like most of you do, fool.

I don't sit there, trying to see Moving averages cross, candle stick formations, double top, double bottom, 123 pattern, head and shoulders, overbought, oversold, convergence, divergences, only trade with trend, money management 1:1 RW, 30 -40 pips stoploss. all these are fool of sh..........t.

Yeah! sit there follow these forex educational and make your coffee.

anyway have a good time with you Mr Philt

eh I like this: is that because its late evening in China and your shift at KFC is finished? LOL

That's ok, you have your way and others have theirs but that's not to discount indicators and saying non work. i agree with you that a lot do chase the one indicator that will solve all problems but then people see different things with them so if it fits what they want then good luck.

Good luck with your trading.