Metatrader known bugs ... - page 50

What else could we expect?

Paper underwear being sold along with magazines? :):)

When backtesting, TimeCurrent() and TimeLocal() are returning exactly the same value (which is impossible), If you have code that depends on those, it can not be back-tested. Here is a a simple example that can be used for testing :
#property indicator_chart_window

void init()



void deinit()



void start()


datetime LocalTime = TimeLocal();

datetime CurrentTime = TimeCurrent();

Print("LocalTime: ", LocalTime);

Print("CurrentTime: ", CurrentTime);


Looks like all time related functions are having problems in back test. Multi time frame can not be tested in visual back test at all

on my own:
Looks like all time related functions are having problems in back test. Multi time frame can not be tested in visual back test at all

Unfortunately it is so for quite some time, mq has been warned about it but it seems that it is not high on their list of priorities (I guess that back-testing is something they consider useless - maybe they know something we don't?)

Unfortunately it is so for quite some time, mq has been warned about it but it seems that it is not high on their list of priorities (I guess that back-testing is something they consider useless - maybe they know something we don't?)

Well, one day in a decade, we shall have a good back testing

on my own:
Well, one day in a decade, we shall have a good back testing

I am afraid that it is just wishful thinking

They do not care about the quality any more. They got their money and now the users can go to hell

I am afraid that it is just wishful thinking They do not care about the quality any more. They got their money and now the users can go to hell

Well we shall see

Al this is an unfortunate episode in metatrader history, but as you see, it is not just metatrader that is in that state. The state of forex trading is far from it used to be and in the last past years it was used more for things that have nothing in common with forex trading. If the forex itself does not get cleaned up, not even the best trading platform in the world will help


I agree that forex is in crisis. But the fact is that what metatrader is doing is anything but what a decent trading platform developer should be doing. But, then, what can we expect for nothing - we are getting as much as we are paying for - nothing

I agree that forex is in crisis. But the fact is that what metatrader is doing is anything but what a decent trading platform developer should be doing. But, then, what can we expect for nothing - we are getting as much as we are paying for - nothing

Soon neither forex nor metatrader will be on our list of priorities


In a couple of years metatrader will be a toy used to reach for kids pocket money. It almost is that already thanks to metaquotes people that succeeded to tear apart all that users have made in all these years


I am already getting sick of the following : when I minimize terminal and then I restore it, frequently the toolbars are rearranged (not in on line but one bellow the other). Does not help if I check or uncheck the "auto arrange" option for toolbars (as the smart moderators of mq told that it is the solution). And that is just one bug among the rest that considers the basic way how terminal works