Metatrader known bugs ... - page 48


Last beauty :

"client account differs from the account in trade position'63516'"

Meaning : the order was opened at a wrong account

Meaning : you can just watch it and cry

Meaning : metatrader can open an order on the WRONG ACCOUNT!!!

Never seen a thing like that

Last beauty :

"client account differs from the account in trade position'63516'"

Meaning : the order was opened at a wrong account

Meaning : you can just watch it and cry

Meaning : metatrader can open an order on the WRONG ACCOUNT!!!

Never seen a thing like that

According to metaquotes it is an error of a broker (lost connection) :):)

Meaning : if you lose connection it just might find the exact account number and post an order at that exact account number but not the one you wanted. Such pile of crap as an explanation is too much even from metaquotes

According to metaquotes it is an error of a broker (lost connection) Meaning : if you lose connection it just might find the exact account number and post an order at that exact account number but not the one you wanted. Such pile of crap as an explanation is too much even from metaquotes

What they are trying to tell that on the other side it is not their software :):)

I guess that with all the plugins they made for brokers, now nobody knows where the order will go (you might find one day a 100 lot order from some millionaire on your account )

What they are trying to tell that on the other side it is not their software :):) I guess that with all the plugins they made for brokers, now nobody knows where the order will go (you might find one day a 100 lot order from some millionaire on your account )

From things like that it seems that the problems are deeper than we are assuming

They are having a limited time to solve all the issues since it is obvious that the migration to other platforms is faster and faster each and every day


frequently when I switch to browse and then want to switch back to terminal, I just get flashing of the taskbar icon and when I click on it again, ny toolbars are all one bellow the other (I have set ti auto arange toolbars to off as mq told, but no use). Annoying


More problems with closed orders reported. Metatrader admitted it this time and they "already corrected it" (after a couple of minutes - what have they been doing before that then) and are promising a fix with new build. So, guys, build 670 has problems with working with orders in some cases and it is not an error of a broker

More problems with closed orders reported. Metatrader admitted it this time and they "already corrected it" (after a couple of minutes - what have they been doing before that then) and are promising a fix with new build. So, guys, build 670 has problems with working with orders in some cases and it is not an error of a broker

Can you please specify what problems with orders close?

Can you please specify what problems with orders close?

Here is the exact quote


И в ручную, и через one click, и роботами, и скриптами...

Только переподключением и удается увидеть заново позиции... Так что это я делаю каждые несколько минут, уже несколько часов.

ПС, Я могу дать данные, для входа, если создатели заинтересованы найти проблему. Можете сами посмотреть и порпобовать закрыть ордер. Свяжитесь со мной через е-майл.

Проблему нашли и исправили, но вам придется дождаться следующего обновления терминала, временного решения для исправления некорректного поведения терминала, к сожалению, нет.

Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства.
Here is the exact quote

All the usual stuff - and as a lot of guys told already : if it does not know to work simple things, how will it do more complicated ones. Now we are going to find out that it cannot work with orders either as it should. Nothing new from metatrader.


If you put something like this :

#property indicator_chart_window

#property show_inputs

into your code, compiler will compile it with no errors at all, but then terminal will refuse to execute it in any mode (not like indicator, not like Ea and not like script) . show inputs must be removed or else you will get and useless ex4