Metatrader known bugs ... - page 28


The "important" is that they made a "smart search" for books and magazines.

That the rest that should serve for trading got messed up in that process of selling magazines, they do no care. Come on : why should we trade when we can buy books and magazines from metatrader as an inter-mediator?


FileReadSting() bug : if you use any value for the length of the string to read from the file greater than 65535 it will not read anything (regardless of the fact that the file size is less than those 65536 bytes). It used to work correctly before.

Attaching an example that will show what is happening when 65535 is used and when 65536 or greater is used (test.txt should be copied to files folder)

test.txt  23 kb
FileReadSting() bug : if you use any value for the length of the string to read from the file greater than 65535 it will not read anything (regardless of the fact that the file size is less than those 65536 bytes). It used to work correctly before. Attaching an example that will show what is happening when 65535 is used and when 65536 or greater is used (test.txt should be copied to files folder)


did you test which other file functions have similar bugs?


Guys, they made the labels work as in metatrader 5. Good luck with rewriting all

Guys, they made the labels work as in metatrader 5. Good luck with rewriting all


But see what is written in the help file :

[TD] Integer value to set/get anchor corner property for label objects. Must be from 0-3.





[TD] int

Not even using the OBJPROP_ANCHOR helps, it does the same thing regardless what anchor you specify


But see what is written in the help file :

[TD] Integer value to set/get anchor corner property for label objects. Must be from 0-3.
Not even using the OBJPROP_ANCHOR helps, it does the same thing regardless what anchor you specify

Did not test it in depth

Does that mean that labels in general are f...d up again?

Did not test it in depth Does that mean that labels in general are f...d up again?

There are problems with labels again.

Regardless of what you try to do with them - metatrader 5 way does not work with metatrader 4 labels


Same old story. Thanks


The thing is that their combining of metatrader 4 and 5 just brought the worst of both together (instead of being the opposite). This is a trading platform Frankenstein


Build 646 : multi time frame indicators are working wrong in visual back test. iCustom() call with 0 as an argument always returns the values of the indicator that was valid when the indicator was dropped on chart. Same thing happens with iTime() and some more functions that depend of time frames. For now, in build 646, multi time frame visual test of indicators can not be used for testing