Metatrader known bugs ... - page 26


A post on another forum.

Error accessing registry generated about 500 times a second (Build 628).

In trying to figure out why MT4 was using up CPU cycles doing practically nothing, I eventually found the reason. There is a system error being generated over 500 times per second by terminal.exe:

terminal.exe RegCloseKey INVALID HANDLE

image1.png  29 kb
Did they try to explain to you how you have to push a button on the PC to turn it on?

That is what they think of "us and them" : for them we are a bunch of morons that are asking questions that should not be asked.

When I asked obce why one of the perfectly legal windows API functions is not stored correctly by new metatrader ex4 file (it stored an empty string with correct length - which obviously meant that metatrder side either blanked the result as a result of their paranoia, or that they are again unable to handle even the simple strings - since that same function worked perfectly just one build ago) in new metatrader 4 the answer was : "Why do you want to use it when it works wrong?" Windows API function that works for years and tears is working wrong? The guy did not even stop to think what moronic question he asked me

That is the way how they think problems are solved : say anything. Someone will believe that they know what are they talking about. And now this last "thing" is the result of such a "scientific" approach to trading platform development

Lol yes, though it is not quite typical answer they usually provide. It could have been a junior developer that judges if the message is worth forwarding to a bug tracker; but he is apparently more a junior than a developer.

Actually it was my mercy with them. And instead of saying thank you, they replied the nonsense.

I sent them part of the log, showing them why their update fails (they are atteempting to replace terminal.exe while it is still open).

A post on another forum.

Error accessing registry generated about 500 times a second (Build 628).

In trying to figure out why MT4 was using up CPU cycles doing practically nothing, I eventually found the reason. There is a system error being generated over 500 times per second by terminal.exe:

terminal.exe RegCloseKey INVALID HANDLE

They are messing with the registry?

Man, and they did not notice that their registry messing is not OK? Bunch of amateurs


Ther are quite a few systematic errors in new metatrader 4 and all that makes it unpredictable


I see that one of TSD users, got this answer at metaquotes site : "The best thing that if you do not open the tabs and not to use search engine, nothing loads and resources are not wasted." Does that mean that it is the best not to open terminal?


Labels in build 633 are again messed up. If the length of the text is changed while it works, the position when labels are in upper right or lower right corner are is changed with each label text length change


In build 633 they use additional default template for offline charts. Now the default.tpl applies only to online charts, while offline.tpl to offline charts.


It is annoying that if you have "." in the name of the cod and you want to save it using save as, metatrader will cut the name (for example "my code v 1.01" will become "my code v 1")


Build 646 : Some significant problems with some dlls that were working OK with previous versions. Frequent freezing of metatrader if you compile a code that is calling a dll of some sort and the executable is loaded at that moment.


Didn't they fix that?

It is back that you can not compile while running a dll? OMG, Again