Hottest Forecast by AccentForex - page 16


05.14 usd/cad downtrend

If the pair makes correction and strongly strikes a strong support level 1.00098 in bearish direction then we can open sell position. The goal of downtrend movement will be the level 0.99487. An obstacle can be met at the level 0.99640.




05.14 nzd/usd downtrend

On our charts we can see that the price has broken in bearish direction a strong resistance level 0.78125. The goal of this movement will be the level 0.77515. An obstacle can be met at the level 0.77667.


05.14 nzd/usd uptrend

If the price breaks a stong support level 0.78125 in uptrend direction then bullish movement will start. We should close a position for buy at the level 0.78735. On the level 0.77667 an obstacle can be met. Have a profitable trading day today!



05.15 gbp/usd uptrend

At the moment the price is flatting near the bottom of the channel 1.60828. If it manages to break strongly the resistance level 1.61133 during this day then it will be a sygnal for opening buy order. The aim of uptrend movement will be the level 1.62354.



05.15 gbp/usd downtrend

According to my strategy the signal for opening sell position will be when the price manages to conquer level 1.60217. Then the closest aim ofdowntrend movement will be the level 1,59912 and with possibility of fall downt to the level 1.59302.


05.15 eur/usd downtrend

It is clearlu seen that the price is flatting near a strong support level 1.28174 at the moment. If it manages to strike strongly this level then downtrend movement will start. The goal of such movement will be the level 1.26953. At the level 1.27563 an obstacle can be met.




05.15 eur/usd uptrend

It is difficult to speak about uptrend movement right now. The signal for openeing buy order will be if the pair breaks the level 1.28784 in bullish direction. The aim of such movemnt will be the level 1.29395 with the following possibility of moving towards the level 1.30005.


05.15 aud/usd uptrend

The signal for opening position for buy will be when the pair breaks a strong resistance level 1.00098 according to calculations. Goals of uptrend movement will be the level 1.01013 and up to the level 1.01318.


05.15 aud/usd downtrend

We can easily draw on our charts a long downtrend channel that has begun from the 10th of May. If the pair breaks without leaving candle's shadow strongly the level 0.99487 then downtrend movement will continue. The nearest aim will be the level 0.98877 and down to the level 0.98267.


05.15 usd/jpy uptrend

Right now after a strong downfall the price is flatting under a strong resistance line 79.883. If it manages to break strongly this level without leaving candle's shadow then bulls will prevail. The aim of bullish movement will be the level 80.078. An obstacle can be met at the level 80.029.
