What is Forex - page 7


Forex is worldwide business and it is now very popular among the people of the world. Many people buy currencies when their value is low and then sell when value is high in the market. It is Forex trading.


Foreign exchange, commonly known as ‘Forex’ or ‘FX’, is the exchange of one currency for another at an agreed exchange price on the over-the-counter (OTC) market. Forex is the world’s most traded market, with an average turnover in excess of US$4 trillion per day. The Forex market is open 24 hours a day. Unlike the stock market, a smaller market with tens of thousands of stocks to choose from, the Forex market revolves around more or less eight major currencies. A narrow choice means no room for confusion, so even though the market is huge, it’s quite easy to get a clear picture of what’s happening. The enormous volume of daily trades makes it the most liquid market in the world, which means that under normal market conditions you can buy and sell currency as you please. The colossal size of the Forex market also makes sure that no one can corner the market. Even banks do not have enough pull to really control the market for a long period of time, which makes it a great place for the little guy to make a move.


Those traders’ have proper fundamental knowledge in this market place only they are capable to trade in news time with profit.


Actually, Due to having, many gorgeous advantage of this market place, now all over the world from many sectors people are joining here increasingly especially the young generation,


Yes, this is definitely true that the traders who have knowledge and experience are able to make profits in forex only. As we know, only 5% traders succeed in forex. And it is just not fundamental knowledge; technical analysis also plays a major role in forex. A trader needs to know in and out of it. Yes, Forex is a great market place but you have to show high degree of commitment towards learning and practice here. Learn then earn works in forex. And for learning you can use demo account also. Many brokers are providing access to demo accounts. I am myself a novice trader and I am curious to learn it. I am trying to learn forex through the extensive use of demo account. My broker i.e. FinPro Trading also provides access to demo account and their trading platform is just wonderful. I enjoy learning Forex there. I like playing with the technical tools and I try to make my views based on technical indicators.


Actually, This is a market place where, it is not possible to predict the real faction of this market with certainly. So, I think, nobody has not the capability to enjoy the risk in this trading stage.


yes off course, predicting market is really impossible. but it can be trapped using trading strategy such as using EA. And its work excellence for me in Liteforex broker and some other broker like fxpro and mayzus broker. No body knows where the market will going on. Its really unpredictable.


It does not matter what broker you use. If you are not scalping for points, it is all the same


In reality, it is pointlessly true that in spite of having most powerful analyzing trade knowledge, it is not possible to make profit constancy in this trading place, if you do not have a reliable support from a trading broker.


Currently, Forex is considered as a most profitable business platform in the present world. And, it is idly true, in spite of having most powerful analyzing trading knowledge; it is not possible to make success in this trading place, if you do not have a reliable support from a trading platform.