What is Forex - page 6


Foreign exchange, commonly known as ‘Forex’ or ‘FX’, is the exchange of one currency for another at an agreed exchange price on the over-the-counter (OTC) market. Forex is the world’s most traded market, with an average turnover in excess of US$4 trillion per day.


Forex is the market where one currency is traded for another. It is one of the largest markets in the world. I think we can try to maximize forex training to make us get knowledge about forex.


Now a days, Forex trading is the most popular business. Interestingly, maximum young generation are interested about trading profession. Because, the facilities of Forex trading is much flexible from any others offline and online business. I want to welcome all new Forex trader and suggest them to start their trading life by demo practicing for long time. Because, knowledge is our main investment.


Forex is a market where different currency are sold and bought with a view to earn profit. The forex market is very liquid with lots of traders available to trade in the market. Forex is one of the biggest financial market in the world.


Quickest way to become broke for 95% of forex "traders"


Forex is a market where currencies are bought and sold by different traders. It is one of the largest market in the world and it very liquid with so many traders always available to trade in the forex market.





Now, Forex is considered as a most profitable business in the present world. I reflect, it is the best place in the humankind where it is potential to make money that you want as your wish. But you have to a most physically powerful trading expertise that helps you to make money rapidly. In point of fact, I am very lucky to select MXTrade as my trading platform where I am getting most accurate advanced facilities. As like, I started forex trading with a little amount in this platform but I can trade in a high lot in spite of having a small balance. Because this ECN trading platform supplied me 1:400 leverage to trade. So my trading life is very highly developed.


Well, good for you. But in the end of the day it is you who takes the decisions.


He doesn't

He is just spamming