What is Forex - page 4

As newbie in Forex i want to know What are the main currencies traded on the forex market? forex metal

As far as I know, the most traded currency pair is the EUR/USD pair. Most beginners first trade with this pair as this has frequent movement than the others.

Imagine that you live in the U.S.A. and that you went for vacation to Germany (just for example) when you reach your destination you have in your pocket 2,000 USD (United States Dollar), the problem is that in Germany they don’t use dollars – so you will need the Euro (EUR) to buy anything. So, what you should do next is to go to the bank and exchange your USD for EUR or, speaking Forex language, you SELL to the Bank your currency (in our example your currency is USD) and the bank pays you (BUY) in Euros. So far, so good; days are passing and you spend a nice time in Germany. As your vacation nears its end you notice that there are still 400 EUR left in your wallet, and you know that back home in the U.S.A. Euros are useless to you, so you decide again to go to the bank and convert your 400 EUR back to USD or, speaking again Forex language, you want to BUY USD from the Bank. That is not my article, but you can continue reading it here... Hope it helped.

forex is a good broker


Forex (also known as FX, foreign exchange) is the market where one currency is being exchanged for another one. The Forex market as a whole is not regulated by any particular entity or government body. Unlike stocks and futures, it is not conducted through a stock exchange. Instead, foreign exchange transactions are taking place on the open market (also known as over-the-counter market, OTC) because any two parties exchanging one currency into another, from local money exchanger to a large bank, are the participants of the FX market.

The volume of transactions taking place on the foreign exchange market is mind-blowing. Some estimates, based on the earlier surveys made by the Bank for International Settlements, mention an average daily figure of around US$3 trillion per day! (in early 2007).

The daily combined turnover of all major world stock exchanges is only around US$200 billion.


Forex is about this high-and-low money exchange system.

You can earn money in this way. Buy other countries' money when they get lower, sell other countries' money when they get higher.

You can make this technique for any country in The World. Because World currencies don`t have a fixed exchange rate.

i learned forex from my best friend and also in the broker that i am trading.


Forex is the largest economic market in the world. It is an OTC market open 24 hours a day and 5 days in a week by almost all broker. I think forex is the best way to make unlimited profit for successful traders and the quickest way to become beggar for loser as it is high speculative market and no chance of doing any kind of gambling. If you are looking for gambling in forex by trading without making analysis then think that you are investing money for charity.


what is forex

forex is a jungle - we either survive or get eaten alive

Imagine that you live in the U.S.A. and that you went for vacation to Germany (just for example) when you reach your destination you have in your pocket 2,000 USD (United States Dollar), the problem is that in Germany they don’t use dollars – so you will need the Euro (EUR) to buy anything. So, what you should do next is to go to the bank and exchange your USD for EUR or, speaking Forex language, you SELL to the Bank your currency (in our example your currency is USD) and the bank pays you (BUY) in Euros. So far, so good; days are passing and you spend a nice time in Germany. As your vacation nears its end you notice that there are still 400 EUR left in your wallet, and you know that back home in the U.S.A. Euros are useless to you, so you decide again to go to the bank and convert your 400 EUR back to USD or, speaking again Forex language, you want to BUY USD from the Bank. That is not my article, but you can continue reading it here... Hope it helped.

Forex will be the one that will help you to have a lot of money and will make you rich in no time. It will make you have the best profit in the world.

Forex will be the one that will help you to have a lot of money and will make you rich in no time. It will make you have the best profit in the world.

Can you give me some tips to remember before entering to Forex and be a successful trader so I could also earn a huge amount of profit?


Its all about making simple dollars, at times your money could get higher abroad dollars or vice versa

Forex trading is about this particular high-and-low dollars change technique. You can generate dollars on this process. Obtain various other countries dollars when they get cheaper, market various other countries dollars when they get higher. Changes may appear at times regarding any kind of monetary surf along with politics adjustments.

Ray Cooper:
Forex is considered as a most profitable business in the present world. It is also considered as a most powerful professional business that is worldwide. This is a business if you want to get profit you must have a proper support of a most reliable trading platform that always help you to make profit. This ECN platform also gives you many trading facilities like scalping and hedging.

Since when is forex considered a most profitable business in the modern world? Who sold you that story?