What is Forex


Imagine that you live in the U.S.A. and that you went for vacation to Germany (just for example) when you reach your destination you have in your pocket 2,000 USD (United States Dollar), the problem is that in Germany they don’t use dollars – so you will need the Euro (EUR) to buy anything. So, what you should do next is to go to the bank and exchange your USD for EUR or, speaking Forex language, you SELL to the Bank your currency (in our example your currency is USD) and the bank pays you (BUY) in Euros. So far, so good; days are passing and you spend a nice time in Germany. As your vacation nears its end you notice that there are still 400 EUR left in your wallet, and you know that back home in the U.S.A. Euros are useless to you, so you decide again to go to the bank and convert your 400 EUR back to USD or, speaking again Forex language, you want to BUY USD from the Bank. That is not my article, but you can continue reading it here... Hope it helped.


Helped in what way exactly ?


The example and use of currency trading shared by you is well known. It is not much helpful for me. The complete info about forex can be found here : Foreign exchange market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The example and use of currency trading shared by you is well known. It is not much helpful for me. The complete info about forex can be found here : Foreign exchange market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Forex is a global market with a high turnover and global trading volumes. Those who have some knowledge and expertise are able to earn good amount of profits from it.

It needs careful planning and a lot of basic work before any trader can even think of getting any profits.

Its all about earning easy money, sometimes your money can get higher to other countries money or vice versa Forex is about this high-and-low money exchange system. You can earn money with this technique. Buy other countries money when they get lower, sell other countries money when they get higher. Changes can occur sometimes about any kind of economic waves and political changes.

Forex is the most difficult Financial markets in the world to be able to understand and comprehend. It does take a lot of hard work to reach to the levels of success and if any trader will try his best efforts he would be able to do so.


forex market can be said to be difficult but it can also be easy to say it all depends on the point of view of each, so it's up to you which one to choose

It is not easy to define forex in few word. IT have a huge trading volumes.

And the technique of forex help to earn a lot of profits.

Good luck!


copy paper

Forex is market wherein you would buy currencies when their value is still low and later sell them when their values had been appraised in order to gain profit from it.


Forex is the knowledge and business of making money through trading currencies against each other. Forex is not a new business and its history is as old as the history of money. What is forex is a question that people ask a lot these days. There are people who have been making money through Forex from many years ago. Fortunately, with the help of computer and internet, Forex trading has become much easier. You can sit at your personal computer and trade from home without having to make any phone call or referring to any bank.

To go Forex, there are brokerage companies that enable you to buy and sell different currencies through the Internet and some simple softwares. For any trade that you make, you pay a small commission to the brokerage company that you are trading through.

You need to find a good, reliable and well-known brokerage company and sign up for an account with it. Then you have to fund your account. You use the money you have in your account to trade. Any profit that you make, will be added to your account and visa versa. Then you can withdraw the money you have made.


A very alike example I saw at babypips school about travelling and currency exchanging.


Its all about earning easy money, sometimes your money can get higher to other countries money or vice versa

Forex is about this high-and-low money exchange system. You can earn money with this technique. Buy other countries money when they get lower, sell other countries money when they get higher. Changes can occur sometimes about any kind of economic waves and political changes.


Forex is an international foreign exchange market where all world currencies are traded in pairs. Forex is the largest financial market in the world with an average daily turnover of about 3 trillion $.