Is forex market controlled by someone? - page 8


certainly better than "some people" but its far too late - as they control the money supply

and he (or she) who controls the money supply........ controls the world

we should be careful what we wish for

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I suppose, that is impossible. How much power would need computer with a such program? It must includes all the information about all the traders and brokers from the whole world. And not only for saving data, but also for making long-term projection.

Congratulations. You've just proved me wrong. Certainly there is not computer powerful enough to make the price go up and down in random intervals.

No programmer in the world could code such a complex set of rules.

-Go up randomly

-Go down randomly

Yes, impossible.


The world of forex is definately controlled by super natural beings:p

Telling the truth I suppose that forex is do controlled by influential people who are controlling all other things like wars, presidents, economics, etc.


Taking a look at the percentages controlled by some banks clearly shows who is controlling forex. Here is one with percentages : Those are percentages that allow market manipulation

The market is controlled by us and by ask and demand, really.


As far as I know, each country has their own rules and regulation for forex trading in it. So, I want to know, there is any organization, agency or authority which makes rules and regulation for world-wide forex trading.

The short answer is no.

Different countries may have their rules and regulations about trading the forex market but there is no cnetralised governing body that controls the forx market.

The forex market is huge. The daily trading volume exceeds USD4 trillion. Nobody, not even the Central Banks, have the capacity to influence the forex market for a significant period of time. Each time a Central Bank tries to intervene directly in the forex market (think Bank of Japan), they will end up losing a lot of money with no significant results.

The short answer is no.

Different countries may have their rules and regulations about trading the forex market but there is no cnetralised governing body that controls the forx market.

The forex market is huge. The daily trading volume exceeds USD4 trillion. Nobody, not even the Central Banks, have the capacity to influence the forex market for a significant period of time. Each time a Central Bank tries to intervene directly in the forex market (think Bank of Japan), they will end up losing a lot of money with no significant results.

Decent answer


please read the article

things are not at all as they seem


It takes 40billion to move the Euro 1 pip

so obviously one would need some loot to fix the FX market

but the elitists - and i'll mention no names

have 70 trillion just for emergencys in a swiss bank account

and obviously not for bailing out euro nations - nor to pay for most wars

(maybe one or two in the past and just to get them started)

but only as a loan and then most of those costs go on the balance sheet for the taxpayers to pay

so what do they do with the emergency fund of 70 trillion and the rest of the many other hundreds of trillions ??

just to add i don't entirely hold the same views as written in the article

only about the manipulation itself

please read the article

things are not at all as they seem


It takes 40billion to move the Euro 1 pip

so obviously one would need some loot to fix the FX market

but the elitists - and i'll mention no names

have 70 trillion just for emergencys in a swiss bank account

and obviously not for bailing out euro nations - nor to pay for most wars

(maybe one or two in the past and just to get them started)

but only as a loan and then most of those costs go on the balance sheet for the taxpayers to pay

so what do they do with the emergency fund of 70 trillion and the rest of the many other hundreds of trillions ??

just to add i don't entirely hold the same views as written in the article

only about the manipulation itself

The forex market is too huge and no one can control it. The forex market are at all times monitor by the central banks.

It is a fair market.


As per my knowledge there is some Name "Inter bank" where all these brokers are supposed to send our order requests Instantly, But some brokers will send some don't send. So if we loose that trade then broker who didn't sent that Order to Interbank will get whole our loss amount into his profit.

If they send orders then only they will get Spread only nothing else