Is forex market controlled by someone? - page 13


What Do "Insiders" Know That You Don't?

With your local friendly asset-gatherer constantly promoting the cheapness of stocks of the TINA (there is no alternative) to BTFATH, TV talking-heads jabbering over 'stock-pickers' markets (infuriating Cliff Asness), and CEOs trotted out day after day to espouse how bright the future looks (even if outlooks in the immediate future are down-down-down-graded); it is hardly surprising that sentiment among the sheeple is so extremely bullish. So, when we saw the chart below... we could only ask - what do the insiders know that the average-joe-investor doesn't?

Of course, we are sure someone will try and explain away this avalanche of insider-selling with "tax-related" factors or "taking-profits" but none of that negates the less-than-optimistic tone that it implies about what the short- or medium-term expectations are from management of the firms that comprise the US equity market...



It's good that this has been brought up.


what abt NDD and DD companies ,,,same ?

I suppose that Forex is not controlled by traders. From the one hand it is controlled by brokers and from the other hand by some "special" people who decide where the price will go.

I agree in part with you, there has to be a hand with 5 fingers, per market of "special" people who decide ....while playing golf with bikini honney bunny's... people who decide the ways for the market, but i'm shure they do this in a minimum of 1 to 10 year basis, so they are not as important for the forex market that changes every single TICK... If not, can you tell me why there is no option to acces a yearly chart? have you thought that maybe the stochastic oscilator for this chart could show you a very good year where you put little and go with big money? i think the market is made this way to have some sort of control, but every system has it's failure... a little path where the intelligents play. Like in the Law market. Every Law has it's hidden path, the laws are created by the ones who take profit of them hidding they'r real meaning in words like "we are helping people to have a home", and in the other hand the state is paying them for this nice job... Something like this i think the forex market works. Remember it was created by somebody with interests, not only to help people to have acces to the market, this is like a hook.

By the Way,

FXCM is regulated by CFTC, NFA and FCA it says in the contract


There's always set of things to follow and in the end it is us who takes control of the flow.

I agree in part with you, there has to be a hand with 5 fingers, per market of "special" people who decide ....while playing golf with bikini honney bunny's... people who decide the ways for the market, but i'm shure they do this in a minimum of 1 to 10 year basis, so they are not as important for the forex market that changes every single TICK... If not, can you tell me why there is no option to acces a yearly chart? have you thought that maybe the stochastic oscilator for this chart could show you a very good year where you put little and go with big money? i think the market is made this way to have some sort of control, but every system has it's failure... a little path where the intelligents play. Like in the Law market. Every Law has it's hidden path, the laws are created by the ones who take profit of them hidding they'r real meaning in words like "we are helping people to have a home", and in the other hand the state is paying them for this nice job... Something like this i think the forex market works. Remember it was created by somebody with interests, not only to help people to have acces to the market, this is like a hook.

By the Way,

FXCM is regulated by CFTC, NFA and FCA it says in the contract

the quarterly charts work well even with an Macd

but are obviously not on MT4, not sure i've seen yearly, but may of done, i think IG index advanced charts / Pro real time have them,

they both definitely have quarterly charts

theoretically it should be possible to make a yearly with an offline chart, but not sure if MT4 could manage it without crashing

you could try PRTs end of day, for free and you may find yearly on there, or you could suggest to them that they add it,

as they are actually humans that can be contacted, unlike Metaquotes, (although PRT are still a bit slow to reply sometimes)


You control it.


Bank of America trading practices examined

Federal prosecutors and regulators have investigated whether Bank of America improperly executed its own futures trades ahead of large orders executed for its clients, a financial regulatory filing shows.

The June 14 filing on the securities industry regulator FINRA website, first reported by Reuters on Saturday, does not accuse the North Carolina-based bank of any wrongdoing.

But the filing states that the U.S. Attorney's office in North Carolina "is investigating whether it was proper for the swaps desk to execute futures trades prior to the desk's execution of block future trades on behalf of counterparties. ..."

The filing also states that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission "is conducting a parallel investigation into the trading issue."

The investigations involved formal probes by prosecutors or regulatory agencies that are considered more serious than preliminary inquiries, according to the filing, provided to FINRA by the bank.

Bank of America decline to comment on the filing, which was included in a FINRA background report on Eric Alan Beckwith, who previously worked at the bank's Merrill Lynch broker-dealer division in New York.

Beckwith could not be reached for comment.

Reuters reported that the regulatory filing appears to provide context for a Jan. 8 FBI warning that said Wall Street traders may be front-running government-owned mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the interest-rate swaps market.

Front-running refers to a technique in which a trader with knowledge of a large pending trade order by a client or other market participant executes her or his own trade first. Such tactics often generate profits generated by market movements after the larger trade is executed.

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Deutsche Bank chief says change needed on FX fixings

The way daily currency benchmarks are set in the $5-trillion-a-day market needs to be looked at but limiting trade at daily fixings is not the answer, Deutsche Bank chairman Paul Achleitner said on Wednesday.

Banks, worried over legal fallout from allegations that traders may have used client order information improperly, have said little publicly on the options for rebuilding confidence in the way the currency benchmarks are set.

Royal Bank of Scotland, however, told customers on Tuesday it would stop accepting client orders for some currency fixings and there have been other tentative signs of the start of a shift in market practices and trading patterns.

Deutsche is the world's biggest currency trader. Asked whether it would also curb its fixing offerings, Achleitner, who chairs the bank's supervisory board, said: "It's not a question of the submission or the contribution of the bank to such a fixing but they are being evaluated on the basis of trade flows.

"So, stopping trade shortly before five and shortly after five (around the fixing time) would not be the answer. You have to have well-controlled processes and make sure they exist in these windows," he told a conference.

"Still the question remains where we want to participate in terms of submission and we will review this on a continuous basis," Achleitner added.

Regulators and investors have grown increasingly concerned about the integrity of financial benchmarks in the wake of the Libor interest rate rigging scandal.

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I would say yes and no. The market is not controlled in a sense that no central authority has any jurisdiction over all the national fiat currencies. So, if the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States has any regulation regarding the foreign exchange market, for example the maximum leverage is set at 50:1, it can not dictate the central banks of other countries to do the same. Having said that, central banks often try to impose a virtual control over their own currencies by setting Forex rates for the over the counter. For example, the Swiss Central Bank currently has a floor price for the EURCHF at 1.2, but it can only maintain that price by open market operations, not by imposing any kind of rule!

Hope this helps.