Is forex market controlled by someone? - page 7



Or this : US Woman Takes on Banks Over Libor - Business News - CNBC

A pensioner whose home was repossessed is taking on some of the world’s leading banks in the first known class-action lawsuit claiming that alleged Libor manipulation made mortgage repayments for thousands of Americans more expensive than they should have been.

Just one of the things they actually have done with "champagne cases sent to each other"


They all were (and still are) profiting from that. Only they call it a different name now (see the forecast reports of how much are they going earn in Q3 - it took them a couple of months to start doing the same thing just a bit differently)

Or this : US Woman Takes on Banks Over Libor - Business News - CNBC Just one of the things they actually have done with "champagne cases sent to each other"

HI i am share some information with you.

here is no individual regulatory body or exchange that oversees the forex market - remember its an OTC market and there is no centralized management of transactions like a stock exchange


Forex is a large market .Many people from different countries are trading in forex. So it is difficult to manipulate forex market. But Central Banks are the manipulators of forex market that I think. Suppose if central bank of Japan give intervention then there will be a definite effects on forex market.


Computer-based market trading 'beneficial'

A government study has found no direct evidence computer-based financial trading has led to increased volatility or abuse of the market.

It says algorithmic trading, automated systems for buying and selling securities, can be beneficial.

And high-frequency trading, when the assets are held for as little as a few seconds, may have modestly improved the functioning of markets.

BBC News - Computer-based market trading 'beneficial'


Soon we are going to be told that greed is a virtue (indirectly we are already told that) ... brave new world seems to be here already



Governments and central banks release financial data that can strongly influence the direction of any currency pair.

There is influence, but not direct control.


If it is controlled by a central computer program, it would never become public knowledge.

If it is controlled by a central computer program, it would never become public knowledge.

I suppose, that is impossible. How much power would need computer with a such program? It must includes all the information about all the traders and brokers from the whole world. And not only for saving data, but also for making long-term projection.


If they can put a man on the moon? with the power of a small calculator

then anything is possible

Top 10 Supercomputers In The World — November 2011 | GizmoCrazed | Blog On Science, Technology, Gadgets and Top 10 Lists

New Supercomputer Could be World's Fastest

only $100 million so peanuts in the financial world

most who have been observing and trading the markets for long enough - know there's something fishy going on

just follow the bots...


If they closed their stock exchanges because of the hurricane?

I would rather believe that aliens got the control under forex, than some people)