Is forex market controlled by someone? - page 2

It is true that no one controls the Forex market but it is largely dependent on the High Volume orders which are from the leading banks or the big time traders is what makes them major players.

Sorry, i didnt say no one controls it, my relpy was to the posters that thought it was controlled by "Us" "Retail Traders" and "brokers".. so No they don't control it..

like a single person controlling the market in a sense that he can manipulate it? I'd say NO! but you could say that there are a group of big players that can do some movement in the market, when it comes to regulations I guess each country has its our set of rules to try and control it, though there is no regulations for forex here in the philippines so its somewhat better for us traders (no taxes)

Yeah I agree with this one. Just as a country's central bank totally controls a countrys currency (and it's worth), I think the major banks/players definitely can affect the market in their favor. I mean, if you're money hundreds of thousands of dollars in a trade to go one way... that'll definitely affect what's happening.

Yeah I agree with this one. Just as a country's central bank totally controls a countrys currency (and it's worth), I think the major banks/players definitely can affect the market in their favor. I mean, if you're money hundreds of thousands of dollars in a trade to go one way... that'll definitely affect what's happening.

I would like to relate the case of the SNB and the Intervention in the EURCHF. It had set a Floor price of 1.20 so we see that EURCHF was above it and no trader was able to bring it down from that level.


The forex market is not controlled by any institution or regulatory. I think that the broker itself may have a small effect in controlling the forex by their rules and options available.


Thanks to all for your valuable suggestion and replies. However can anyone share details about how new currency is added in forex market to trade?

Thanks to all for your valuable suggestion and replies. However can anyone share details about how new currency is added in forex market to trade?

If any Country is having International Trade and commerce then its currency will have some value associated with regards to other leading currencies such as the USD.

The currency must have good volumes to be able to be traded on the Foreign Exchange markets.

like a single person controlling the market in a sense that he can manipulate it? I'd say NO! but you could say that there are a group of big players that can do some movement in the market, when it comes to regulations I guess each country has its our set of rules to try and control it, though there is no regulations for forex here in the philippines so its somewhat better for us traders (no taxes)

hehehe i agree with this, forex market is too large to be fully controlled, but there was a time there was something to control it, as saying the market is not random but design

If any Country is having International Trade and commerce then its currency will have some value associated with regards to other leading currencies such as the USD. The currency must have good volumes to be able to be traded on the Foreign Exchange markets.

Thanks to solve my query and assist me.



Why of course that it is not controlled 5 pips daily range for almost 2 months

eurchf.gif  17 kb

I think it's impossible for the Forex to be controlled by somebody. If ever it is happening right now, that or those individual/s have the power to manipulate the world.