4TF Bars: Indicators and Ideas - page 52


All time frame smoother (some call it Jurik moving average) : all_time_frame_smoother.ex4

PS: calculation period for smoother can be fractional (14.5 for example instead of 14)


This is an all time frame stochastic with an interpolation option added to it : all_time_frame_stochastic_2.ex4


All time frames rsi with changes in code according to newest builds of metatrader 4 and with some additions (interpolation among other things added as an option) : all_time_frame_rsi_2.ex4

All time frames rsi with changes in code according to newest builds of metatrader 4 and with some additions (interpolation among other things added as an option) : all_time_frame_rsi_2.ex4


Do have any MQ4 sample with that box thing, love to learn how to do that...

if it is not to much a request..

something to do for the weekend....

yours truly



Do have any MQ4 sample with that box thing, love to learn how to do that...

if it is not to much a request..

something to do for the weekend....

yours truly



The basis is simple : those are objects that is created using OBJ_BUTTON property. The rest id a different story

Long time ago I told that the number of opened sources is going to be less. Just one example : somebody at FF asked for something, I guy came here, took the source, added his link. compiled the thing and posted it there. Now, why the link? So, in future, some coders are going to actually have to code if they want to tell that they are coders. I am getting rather tired of forums where half of the stuff that you can download is my stuff renamed and then they tell that I can not code. Just see some of the latest example on metaquotes code base : I was never asked if my code can be posted there (that is a commercial site, remember)

So to cut it short : some stuff is not going to be published as mql any more. It is a decision made based on too much cases that are anything but a fair behavior of a lot of people


The basis is simple : those are objects that is created using OBJ_BUTTON property. The rest id a different story

Long time ago I told that the number of opened sources is going to be less. Just one example : somebody at FF asked for something, I guy came here, took the source, added his link. compiled the thing and posted it there. Now, why the link? So, in future, some coders are going to actually have to code if they want to tell that they are coders. I am getting rather tired of forums where half of the stuff that you can download is my stuff renamed and then they tell that I can not code. Just see some of the latest example on metaquotes code base : I was never asked if my code can be posted there (that is a commercial site, remember)

So to cut it short : some stuff is not going to be published as mql any more. It is a decision made based on too much cases that are anything but a fair behavior of a lot of people


I am very sad to hear this, especially from someone who does not respect another people effort/work...

In that case you should do what you can to protect what is yours....

Any way thank you for the time and all the great codes that you have posted.... Have a good weekend...SIR

yours truly


PS : Thanks for the TIP... I will do my homework now.....


All time frame WPR : all_time_frame_wpr.ex4


All time frame smoother with interpolated multi time frame values : all_time_frame_smoother_2.ex4

Here you go ...

But there is a deviation from what you asked for : in this one you can set it up to alert when at least 3 time frames are aligned or all 4 time frames are aligned. The reason for doing so is that if it is less than 3 you will always have alignment (there is always at least 2 of the same color) and in that case you would have alerts all the time. This way (with limiting it to only 3 time frames) you can get a bit quicker alert and it will still alert even if 4 are aligned to

PS: new metatrader 4 compatible code posted here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/181187/page24

is there one for main/sig crossing 50 rather than k,d cross up/down? thanks


All time frame super smoother : all_time_frame_super_smoother.ex4