Piracy bill protest day


As it is obvious TSD is not doing it the same way as Wikipedia and a lot of others today, but, in order to remind of a new attempt of US government to censor web contents (and I do not mean hackers, hacking or actual piracy at all now, since that "piracy bill" has nothing to do with that but has everything with "someone wants to decide what is right and what is wrong in the name of all of us") posting this as a support for all protesting against that bill today


I think, SOPA/PIPA bill is against internet freedom and due to this most of the owner of big sites including wikipedia, google, yahoo and more are against it. Thanks you discussed about it.



Much more information abut the whole issue can be found here : English Wikipedia blackout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consequences of the "small letters" of those bills are what could bring down the internet as we know it and it would bring in a "censor anonymus" as an ultimate power on the internet. Just imagine what would that mean ...


I am totally against the bill even if I am a kiwi living in the UK, but in all reality it will never go through imho . Only for the mere fact that it will result in the major Silicon Valley companies and “campaign contributors” moving off shore and no one wants that can you imagine Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Yahoo not contributing to the US economy. Any way just food for thought below is a explination of the bills




Consequences of the "small letters" of those bills are what could bring down the internet as we know it and it would bring in a "censor anonymus" as an ultimate power on the internet. Just imagine what would that mean ...






MEGAUPLOAD closed by FBI !


At least one country will not follow it so - may be - yes I do not speak Chinese sorry ...



Formally they are stating that as one of the reasons. But I do not think so.

In my opinion they are looking for a way to control something (internet) on which each and every site always has a global reach (accessible from any part of the world). Economical reasons stated are just throwing some dust in eyes in order to to have any reason at all for doing so. It is easy to control TV (licenses, income, taxes... ) newspaper even easier, but so far they haven't got an excuse good enough to control the net (the "who can and the who can not"). When it comes to politicians it always about one and only thing : control



Regarding Megaupload (their case is not related to the above but never the less) - not wanting to scare anybody, but here is a quote of a day :

It’s almost guaranteed that Megaupload stored the IP address of file uploaders, and the Feds could pursue individual copyright infringement cases at a later date

Full story here : Megaupload’s demise: What happens to your files when a cloud service dies? | ExtremeTech

I do not speak Chinese sorry ...

Not yet....