Advanced trading lessons - page 51

same here i have 1.3226 as a daily level but above 1.3204 should reach 1.3294 1st target with main target at 1.3344..may be not today..i'll look for it too consolidate between 1.3177 and 1.3203 (or back to 1.3165) to break above which may be quite volatile..

After 1.3220-1.3233 I have my weekly initial resistance that I posted on Sunday 1.3286-1.33160....This agrees with your 1.3294.

Depending on PA at 1.3220/33,if it gets there,it may be shortable,but so far,after the rebound at 1.30250 the trend is up.




"5-To learn to fly you MUST fly.To learn to trade you MUST trade.You confessed you do not trade,so,you are like a celibate nun dispensing Kama Sutra advice"

aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry guys, but Simba's statement has been really great!!! i read it just now (i was sick), i can't stop laughing!!!! so funny!!

Simba, i'm reconsidering you.....great!

Sorry Boe, but it is too funny that expression


nice pop today

Phil, I asked ealier for your source of top traders list... i found a book that lists all those names... do you have another source?

swing1_9.gif  29 kb
nice pop today Phil, I asked ealier for your source of top traders list... i found a book that lists all those names... do you have another source?

I love your trendlines ....I have exactly the same ones,but I only use the first 2.



I love your trendlines ....I have exactly the same ones,but I only use the first 2.



Hi Simba,





I have given myself licence to add my 2 cents to the reply you got on AUDCAD.

AUDCAD Expected Resistance is at 1.07960-1.09060.If strongly broken,next resistance so far starts at 1.13290.

Prices to watch for a reversal: 1.07960,1.08253,1.09060...As of this moment 1.06636,trying to break the October highs,which will probably do,so,I would look for sweet spots with nice RR to go long and would check price behaviour at/around 1.06637 just where we are now



thanks SIMBO --- mymind got swing trading set, I can't change it

these day, it is not that like a swing, so I stay out, maybe I will take the cue with AUD/CAD become normal first before I touch EUR/aud again

heheh, found this forum -- Forums: Welcome to the forum

really important to be popular and widespread -- that site is not bad though, only rarely people use the forum

I am looking into spry form validation in php AJAX this week

nice pop today Phil, I asked ealier for your source of top traders list... i found a book that lists all those names... do you have another source?

hi sorry missed your question..New market wizards: Jack Swagger and Trend Following:How Great Traders Make Millions in Up Or Down Markets: Michael very good.

.I do have a big collection of books, most have been useful over all in time i suppose..I try to stay away from ones that claim that their way is really how the market is, when its not really its just the way they see it. Every one sees it differently..

Probably the best book for me is the encyclopedia of chart patterns volume 2 ; Thomas N Bulkowski simply because my system is based on a few important ones so i relate to a lot of it.

oh and the Evaluation and optimization of Trading Strategies : Robert Pardo is a must read for sure..

Nice Trade TCT..

as of yet nothing from Boe i see, not one solitary trade.


Yes I've heard of Suri Duddella, broadening tops and bottoms etc...I'm not much of a coder, but like Pardo's because of it's persecutive of how to initiate a strategy...

hi sorry missed your question..New market wizards: Jack Swagger and Trend Following:How Great Traders Make Millions in Up Or Down Markets: Michael very good.

.I do have a big collection of books, most have been useful over all in time i suppose..I try to stay away from ones that claim that their way is really how the market is, when its not really its just the way they see it. Every one sees it differently..

Probably the best book for me is the encyclopedia of chart patterns volume 2 ; Thomas N Bulkowski simply because my system is based on a few important ones so i relate to a lot of it.

oh and the Evaluation and optimization of Trading Strategies : Robert Pardo is a must read for sure..

Nice Trade TCT..

as of yet nothing from Boe i see, not one solitary trade.


Thanks... yes I've read all of them. My friend Suri Duddella has a fantastic chart patterns book which is very straight forward and applicable simply search him on amazon. My favorite book is Edwin Lefevre's book about Jesse Livermore "Reminences of a stock operator". For whatever reason, it really hit home with me. Livermore was self destructive and I have been too... so we have to protect ourselves from ourselves. I love Covel's book... it challenged me to prove him wrong. He made a statement "that we could not be trendfollowers on tf's lower than daily"...

I'm not a coder, but Pardo's book is very good... he is Bill Dunn's guy. Lastly, I think everyone should read "The making of an American Capitalist". Though Buffet is a fundamentals guy, there are some very important lessons. Patience!!! being one of them.




i am done here

i have to work again tonight. and i have to work this week end also. some of you think it is funny

that i am to busy to be in front of the charts all day and i have to work so much. thats real funny.

you know i have been patient and nice but now i am pissed off. i read this crap and it i think what

kind of gutless people hide behind there pc's . i started this to help traders and all i get is a bunch

of childish crap.

i am done here. Al Brooks by the way traders magazine featured him as one of the wolds top traders.

i do not know where your list came from but traders magazine staked there reputation on him and

so do i. i do not need a better mentor what i need is classier students.

so go back to your pathetic lives and forget what i thought here, i do not want you people to know

this stuff any more. some of you people are dirt.