Advanced trading lessons - page 41

Yes nice short Simba..I didnt catch that but have entered another long @ 1.3103 sl 1.3089 targets are the same as trade entered this morning. seems like some of you are having success with the system. i am not using it but am interested in following..

Hi Phil,

For me there is no system here. I think we are just expanding possibly on what we all do. Personally, I have to be careful with this thread. Simply to make sure I'm not letting it get too much in my head... which, I think it did early in the week. I was so focused on trying to interpret this thread that I made two uncharacteristic trades. Not all trades will be winners... but I really felt out of sync... so I stepped away from this thread and got back to business.




Hi Phil,

For me there is no system here. I think we are just expanding possibly on what we all do. Personally, I have to be careful with this thread. Simply to make sure I'm not letting it get too much in my head... which, I think it did early in the week. I was so focused on trying to interpret this thread that I made two uncharacteristic trades. Not all trades will be winners... but I really felt out of sync... so I stepped away from this thread and got back to business.



yes i can understand what you are saying, its not for me as i think the explinations are making something simple complicated...i was interested to follow simply because of the claims made by the OP, and as of yet have not seen him make one trade with it....

i took all off at target of 1.3203 as now is the week end. i will see if possible to buy on another dip for higher targets, but really needs to get and stay above this level for me any way..

have a good week end all.


I agree with TCT and Philt,we have to be careful to avoid the method create interferences in our trades...On the other side it may be interesting to help in its further development.

Enjoy the weekend.


I agree with TCT and Philt,we have to be careful to avoid the method create interferences in our trades...On the other side it may be interesting to help in its further development.

Enjoy the weekend.


Yes I agree, to see if it may develop further may be of interest if it can be applied fully. To be honest it would have to be fairly spectacular for me to deviate in any way shape or form from my system , but I'm always open to new ideas. I think the learning may come from posting trade ideas etc to see if it holds any promise...but I have seen enough theory charts I want to see some practical from Boe as it's his thread...


i have no

i have no real energy right now for three days with this flue. i am still very week and feel like shit.

i knew that trade had a possibility of being one that did not reach the trend line.

like a was teaching earlier... trades either leave before reaching the trend line or they are traps

at the third point. i was wrong for wanting a trap.. so a trap did not develop!

i am so not myself right now. xx gbp usd here is your analysis.

i drew the yearly candles on the chart so you can see this hidden resistance line to the center of this year.

there are two price level possibilities.

i know you think it should be strong but still the chart says these will be tough areas to get through to say the least.

i think i would look for reasons to short these levels if possible.

gbp_usd.gif  31 kb


listen i work 60 to 70 hours a week. i also am raising three boys. and i have been

drawing charts in my spare time trying to help others. now if you guys think you can trade

with the scedual i have right now i love to see it. i seen trend changer be able to take some great trades

pin pointing thins nearly perfect. just because i am over run, does not mean i do not know what i am doing.

in stead of thanking me some people want try and attack me. i have done nothing to deserve this.

my life is where it is at this time i can not change the way things are! is that because i am a failure?

no it because i have responsibilities to take care of that get in my way..

my wife and trading partner pleaded with me to not show this stuff to anyone. maybe they were right.


Anyway, yep, I only had one good trade today... so full disclosure... I was fooled on eu and usdchf... the ones I posted. It happens... such is life/trading.

All the best


I agree with TCT and Philt,we have to be careful to avoid the method create interferences in our trades...On the other side it may be interesting to help in its further development.

Enjoy the weekend.


Boe don't get angry, people just want to see what you see. We understand that you cannot trade in day because you are working in full time job, plus 3 kids which can't be easy.. Just do what you can..


Keep the thread alive

BOE:Just take your time and post when you can.We understand you have had a streak of cumulative bad luck,first your trading partner causing your pc to slow down ,then your flu,now you have 3 children to care for while having a day job that takes 60/70 hours a week from your schedule,we understand these unexpected events are not as predictable as the markets,and,please try to understand our motivations too....

We are trying to keep alive your thread,but as TCT,Philt and myself wrote,adapting a very different method from the one actually used by each trader,specially if there is not enough information yet,has negatively influenced our trading,so,at least in my case,and in order to help in keeping alive the thread,I will just post useful information derived from my methods,and,only in case I see a clear setup from what I understand is what you use will I post the setup, trendlines,etc.

If this is ok with you,fantastic,if not,just say so and I will delete the information below.

EURUSD closed the week after touching my expected higher resistance level 13228+-

New proprietary dynamic levels for next week:

Expected Initial Resistance: 1.3286-1.3316

Expected Support:1.3018-1.3027

Kindest Regards



Ok i will when i can

I had to go to work this morning, and i have to go back tonight.

So lets me do some work here with the trading before going back. I feel much better today.