Advanced trading lessons - page 21


I mean this statement.

"because successful traders have to constantly adjust the time frame they trade from. If you don't know how and when

to do this you are at the Mercy of the banks true intentions.

What are the banks true intentions?

Why adjust time frames?


you do not know much about scientist.

scientist do not need validation, validation is in the results, and my results are amazing, but not perfect.

i have taken things apart my hole life, just to see how things work what makes them tick. this is no different.

i started this thread not for validation! but to present the results. as such , what do i get out of this.

i get good Carma when helping others. i get to meat other brilliant people who have done there own scientific work

like trendchanger. most of all teaching pushes me to organize my science, better then i have been to eliminate

over looking data. the other thing is teaching could lead to a discovery , with student perspective.

obviously some people do not want to learn and get better. so why are you here? i tell you what.

every thing i have posted consistently happens on all time frames. every thing, it is not always perfect

but the majority over rules the times where a loss is taken. so if you want to sit there and judge go

do some science of your own and prove me wrong. try it i dare you. i will put my trading with any one.

so go back to the coach. lazy people!


I accept what you are saying, sure i can choose not to read but i thought i would save him time and effort.

What bases does he have for his teachings, i dont know he has not said..

look at these 3 facts stated in first post.....

"their will be no changing thees facts about the markets."

1. the markets are be manipulated, in a very advanced way.

2. your stops are being hunted most of the time!

3. the market tricks people into #1 wrong decisions, or #2 early decisions, that seam emotionally wrong for periods of time.

1. the forex market in general cannot be manipulated in a way that it will effect the retail investor unless you have a crap broker and these are easily spotted when you start earning money. slippage, time outs, hanging'delayed quotes, wide spreads, the usual garbage..if you have a STP or ECN your order is routed into the interbank market anyway. do you think your broker pays you out of there money?

2. Your stops are hunted by who? again STP or ECN into the interbank market, do you think your stops are going to show up? and to who? are you trading large enough volume for people to even care where your stop is.

3. The market does not trick people, you trick yourself into tricking you.

so if he cant get the first 3 statements right.........

According to my observation, there are really manipulators control the market, and those damn brokers can only use scam method to stop u out by 1) slippage or 2) cut u out though the price has not reached your SL point and 3) don't execute your SL order.......But, they can't control the shape of the chart. I use several independent providers to monitor the price leve, though sometimes there are some slight difference, the general large, small, tiny swing are the same. So retail brokers are not the critical issue in the discussion. And boe (if I am not remember it wrong), the big boys are not hunting a particular level of SL, they just creat illusion to make u lose the way......


Thanks for your reply..

What kind of scientist are you. You are in implying in PHD quantitative Physics, mathmatics ? So there fore you would be using quantitative analysis, statics not technicals.

Or are you Scientist, in rocket ships, building humans from other human parts, or just like looking inside frogs.. well you get the picture.

Tell me so i can understand, because i like you am scientist...

According to my observation, there are really manipulators control the market, and those damn brokers can only use scam method to stop u out by 1) slippage or 2) cut u out though the price has not reached your SL point and 3) don't execute your SL order.......But, they can't control the shape of the chart. I use several independent providers to monitor the price leve, though sometimes there are some slight difference, the general large, small, tiny swing are the same. So retail brokers are not the critical issue in the discussion. And boe (if I am not remember it wrong), the big boys are not hunting a particular level of SL, they just creat illusion to make u lose the way......

Jackson thanks for your reply...

If retail brokers are not the critical issue in the discussion then it must be about the Investment banks. but how is the interbank market quoted between banks who are effectively doing it to lend money to other banks effecting the retail trader.

Jackson thanks for your reply... If retail brokers are not the critical issue in the discussion then it must be about the Investment banks. but how is the interbank market quoted between banks who are effectively doing it to lend money to other banks effecting the retail trader.

ibanks and hedge funds (or their collaboration) not speculate in the market ??? Is that what u mean?! If the answer is yes, then my observation should be wrong.

ibanks and hedge funds (or their collaboration) not speculate in the market ??? Is that what u mean?! If the answer is yes, then my observation should be wrong.


No we know about dodgy retail brokers but we have covered that. but yes is there some other kind of manipulation on the interbank market or from hedge funds going on..

its just discussion, thats all, because if Boe have information please share


[lang=it]Please, will you all stop to blah blah blah???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The title of this thread is:"advanced trading lessons", so if there's someone that is so presuntuous to think do not have anything to learn, please get off the balls......i'm bored to read all these useless and foolish comments! I'm hear to read what Boe has to say about his way of trading and i do not have time to waste.....and i guess Boe has not too.[/lang]

red bull:
[lang=it]Please, will you all stop to blah blah blah???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The title of this thread is:"advanced trading lessons", so if there's someone that is so presuntuous to think do not have anything to learn, please get off the balls......i'm bored to read all these useless and foolish comments! I'm hear to read what Boe has to say about his way of trading and i do not have time to waste.....and i guess Boe has not too.[/lang]

Thanks for the reply..

All i asked of Boe was, what kind of scientist he is so as to better understand what he is saying..then i will get off thread and leave you to " advanced trading lessons"...i do not mean to be rude but i think its a fair response to ask when someone makes such statements to back them up with substance..


nothing new

" nothing new" you said ! i also challenge you to find anything remotely like what i have taught here!

that makes me suspicious. that's a suspicious statement. why any trader say something that is so maliciously false?

what would be there motivation? it's either ignorance, jealousy, or your a broker ? either way you are not welcome here.

xx is just young, you there is something wrong with you.