Advanced trading lessons - page 20


i am going to take tonight off

i am going to take the night off. tonight for the most part.

i want to gracefully work into the next step. after all the drama.

tomorrow i will continue.


[langtitle=it]To xxJxxx[/langtitle]

[lang=it]market is a game between smart people and foolish people, and the more the foolish are the more smart people gain.

So God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/lang]


[langtitle=it]To xx3xxx[/langtitle]

red bull:
[lang=it]market is a game between smart people and foolish people, and the more the foolish are the more smart people gain. So God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/lang]

[lang=it]Sorry, this message was the reply to xx3xxx latest post[/lang]


ok i realize

i realized after some time period that xx is ok, it's me who has the problem.

i am and have been for so long consumed with perfecting the market that

i come off as some kind of holy grail guy or something. that can make traders mad.

it does not make trendchanger mad, he is the same way. we both took the markets apart

scientifically and forensically.

but it must be tough for a trader to suddenly realize he has

wasted his time for so long, and to start to realize that now. that has to be tough.

so i apologize to xx ... xx do not give up here. i am asking you to stay.

next time i will ask that you don't take this thread personal towards the time you spent



i am no holly grail guy

i am scientist by nature. no one can argue with what i teach, why because what i am

teaching is the reality of the market.

like trend changer we both took a scientific approach with one guide line. it has to be

real consistent data, and nothing sugar coated. it had to be based one criteria: the reality

of the market.

no one is perfect here, i loos trades too. what we are showing you here is how to win

in game the is designed to make you loose. thats all.


wait tomorrow

wait till tomorrow to see what this scientist has to say about horizontal

price movements with in candles, when traders back test this they find chaos.

this scientist took chaos and found some order.

i realized after some time period that xx is ok, it's me who has the problem.

i am and have been for so long consumed with perfecting the market that

i come off as some kind of holy grail guy or something. that can make traders mad.

it does not make trendchanger mad, he is the same way. we both took the markets apart

scientifically and forensically.

but it must be tough for a trader to suddenly realize he has

wasted his time for so long, and to start to realize that now. that has to be tough.

so i apologize to xx ... xx do not give up here. i am asking you to stay.

next time i will ask that you don't take this thread personal towards the time you spent


Boe, i am not attacking you, it is my opinion that's all.. But you are not teaching any thing new, and no you do not come across as "i come off as some kind of holy grail guy or something. that can make traders mad." in any way what so ever as its no big secret. there is no magical secret to forex trading, no holy grail crap...It is the individuals traders perception of how they see things that is the key.. what you are trying to teach every one will see differently to how you see it, so its just pointless..Traders need to find a strategy that suits their personality and their style. thats all. you are just looking for confirmation from others that what you say works because deep down you dont beleive it yourself in order to have the conviction and confidence to trade it yourself. when you have got enough people saying "YES i see how this works, this is how the market moves" to your findings, you'll go and trade it probably because you have the confirmation you seek.. sure youve probably given trading a go with your strategy but after a few losses you doubt it so you explain it to others to see if they agree with you.when they don't you attack them and feel hurt because they dont see what you see.

You should take the time to find out about yourself and then use that and your strategy to trade..This thread is about you more than anything, go find yourself son...

"i am scientist by nature", what kind?

Boe, i am not attacking you, it is my opinion that's all.. But you are not teaching any thing new, and no you do not come across as "i come off as some kind of holy grail guy or something. that can make traders mad." in any way what so ever as its no big secret. there is no magical secret to forex trading, no holy grail crap...It is the individuals traders perception of how they see things that is the key.. what you are trying to teach every one will see differently to how you see it, so its just pointless..Traders need to find a strategy that suits their personality and their style. thats all. you are just looking for confirmation from others that what you say works because deep down you dont beleive it yourself in order to have the conviction and confidence to trade it yourself. when you have got enough people saying "YES i see how this works, this is how the market moves" to your findings, you'll go and trade it probably because you have the confirmation you seek.. sure youve probably given trading a go with your strategy but after a few losses you doubt it so you explain it to others to see if they agree with you.when they don't you attack them and feel hurt because they dont see what you see.

You should take the time to find out about yourself and then use that and your strategy to trade..This thread is about you more than anything, go find yourself son...

"i am scientist by nature", what kind?

I have traded forex for 4 years,though not much experience, but I think boe really saying something great. If u don't think it is useful, u can just walk away and ignore the thread, but not say blah blah analysis here.

I have traded forex for 4 years,though not much experience, but I think boe really saying something great. If u don't think it is useful, u can just walk away and ignore the thread, but not say blah blah analysis here.


I accept what you are saying, sure i can choose not to read but i thought i would save him time and effort.

What bases does he have for his teachings, i dont know he has not said..

look at these 3 facts stated in first post.....

"their will be no changing thees facts about the markets."

1. the markets are be manipulated, in a very advanced way.

2. your stops are being hunted most of the time!

3. the market tricks people into #1 wrong decisions, or #2 early decisions, that seam emotionally wrong for periods of time.

1. the forex market in general cannot be manipulated in a way that it will effect the retail investor unless you have a crap broker and these are easily spotted when you start earning money. slippage, time outs, hanging'delayed quotes, wide spreads, the usual garbage..if you have a STP or ECN your order is routed into the interbank market anyway. do you think your broker pays you out of there money?

2. Your stops are hunted by who? again STP or ECN into the interbank market, do you think your stops are going to show up? and to who? are you trading large enough volume for people to even care where your stop is.

3. The market does not trick people, you trick yourself into tricking you.

so if he cant get the first 3 statements right.........


I accept what you are saying, sure i can choose not to read but i thought i would save him time and effort.

What bases does he have for his teachings, i dont know he has not said..

look at these 3 facts stated in first post.....

"their will be no changing thees facts about the markets."

1. the markets are be manipulated, in a very advanced way.

2. your stops are being hunted most of the time!

3. the market tricks people into #1 wrong decisions, or #2 early decisions, that seam emotionally wrong for periods of time.

1. the forex market in general cannot be manipulated in a way that it will effect the retail investor unless you have a crap broker and these are easily spotted when you start earning money. slippage, time outs, hanging'delayed quotes, wide spreads, the usual garbage..if you have a STP or ECN your order is routed into the interbank market anyway. do you think your broker pays you out of there money?

2. Your stops are hunted by who? again STP or ECN into the interbank market, do you think your stops are going to show up? and to who? are you trading large enough volume for people to even care where your stop is.

3. The market does not trick people, you trick yourself into tricking you.

so if he cant get the first 3 statements right.........

Philt is making a lot of sense. I think you have to look at it from both sides!