EA Coding - page 2

Three coders, all three idiots that can't read. Maybe this will work; copy and paste from my original post where it says I want coding for free. Can't find it?

If anyone is interested in coding it for me, I will share the finished EA with all members.

On several occasions when I was new to this kind of forum, this was explained to me as code for "do it for me and we will share it with the rest", in other words for free. Only a newbie would interpret it as an offer to pay.

So Mr Useless and Rude, good bye and good riddance.



If anyone is interested in coding it for me, I will share the finished EA with all members.

On several occasions when I was new to this kind of forum, this was explained to me as code for "do it for me and we will share it with the rest", in other words for free. Only a newbie would interpret it as an offer to pay.

So Mr Useless and Rude, good bye and good riddance.

Only an asswipe would think it meant free, now a decent person would reply with( I can code that for you, I charge said amount for coding, if your interested pm me, and we can work out the details.) But no, you and your inflated head programming friends, first thing out of your non thinking mouths is to acuse others of wanting coding for free, and I am certainly the not the first this has happened to. Best mind what you have always been taught, (If you have nothing good to say, keep your mouth shut) if that had happened their would be no harsh or rude words at all, would there? So again, Go F*** yourself.

Three coders, all three idiots that can't read. Maybe this will work; copy and paste from my original post where it says I want coding for free. Can't find it? Good now go F*** yourselves. Bongo and his Austrailian dick wrestling buddies, its not like this is the first time He has acused members of wanting free coding....is it?

I don't think I deserve this rude banter, my post wasn't rude and I didn't accuse you of anything.

No, I can't find anything that asks to do the coding for free, but I see the idea posted. Why on earth would you want to post your idea publicly? To get a quote?

You shouldn't have explained the idea if you were willing to pay for the coding. You also stated you would share the finished ea with everyone on the forum. Doesn't that "imply" free work gets free distribution??

You may not have asked for free coding, but it sure looked implied. If I paid to have someone code this brilliant idea I currently hold, I wouldn't turn around and post it here for free. But that's me.

If you want someone here to do your coding work, then post that. Don't post the idea with full instruction, then say if you do this, I will give it away for "nada", then get pissed because someone ASSUMED you wanted the work to be done for free.

Connect the dots man.



I don't think I deserve this rude banter, my post wasn't rude and I didn't accuse you of anything.

No, I can't find anything that asks to do the coding for free, but I see the idea posted. Why on earth would you want to post your idea publicly? To get a quote?

You shouldn't have explained the idea if you were willing to pay for the coding. You also stated you would share the finished ea with everyone on the forum. Doesn't that "imply" free work gets free distribution??

You may not have asked for free coding, but it sure looked implied. If I paid to have someone code this brilliant idea I currently hold, I wouldn't turn around and post it here for free. But that's me.

If you want someone here to do your coding work, then post that. Don't post the idea with full instruction, then say if you do this, I will give it away for "nada", then get pissed because someone ASSUMED you wanted the work to be done for free.

Connect the dots man.

You also acused me of wanting coding for free just as Bongo and Codemeister did.

Only difference is, you are correct you were not RUDE about it. I do owe you an appology for being rude to you. You are right again PipGuard I was pissed, by the time I saw your post as well. I see nothing worng with sharing an ea paid for or not, with the rest of the forum, as you KNOW how many times forex traders are ripped off with promises of the next great ea that doesn't work worth a damn. I paid for the manual system I use, and would gladly pay for an ea that could trade the method, and let the rest of the world have it for no cost. I make my money in many ways including trading, but never off people who have been struggling as many forex traders are. Why is it such a new concept that a person has good intentions? and why do others deem it necessary to instanly jump all over another member without getting all the facts FIRST? Not everyone has evil intentions. Again PipGuard I am sorry for my pissed off responce to your original reply, and I do see your point.

You also acused me of wanting coding for free just as Bongo and Codemeister did. Only difference is, you are correct you were not RUDE about it. I do owe you an appology for being rude to you. You are right again PipGuard I was pissed, by the time I saw your post as well. I see nothing worng with sharing an ea paid for or not, with the rest of the forum, as you KNOW how many times forex traders are ripped off with promises of the next great ea that doesn't work worth a damn. I paid for the manual system I use, and would gladly pay for an ea that could trade the method, and let the rest of the world have it for no cost. I make my money in many ways including trading, but never off people who have been struggling as many forex traders are. Why is it such a new concept that a person has good intentions? and why do others deem it necessary to instanly jump all over another member without getting all the facts FIRST? Not everyone has evil intentions. Again PipGuard I am sorry for my pissed off responce to your original reply, and I do see your point.

Thanks Cj, apology accepted. I think you may have over reacted to people misunderstanding what you wrote. That's all. But I also hold the forum responsible for not disclosing what it means by "we will develop it for you".

Also you wrote that you would share the ea with the members...that "implies" for free but maybe you mean for a fee? HuH? Just like the forums heading leads us to think it's free, so I guess you can to right .

I appreciate your humility and commend you for that. I perfectly understand your good intentions.

Yes many forex traders are struggling. I'm not sure about commercial ea's right now. I don't know if it's the discipline of the trader that causes the ea to fail or the ea's themselves. Someone wrote about that fact on here not long ago.

I have "invested" a bit over $1,000 in commercial ea's but since I did not understand how or why they made trades, I was shaked out by constant draw downs. It seems too me every commercial ea I bought put me in a losing trade right from the get go more often than not.

It goes like this. So how's my ea doing? Log in to the virtual private server and oh I'm in a losing position, with 3 previous losing trades and one small winner.

Day after day "oh I'm in a losing position" I got fed up with being in a losing position everytime I logged in. What's up with that.

You sure are right about the struggling forex trader, do we even need to go into BROKER problems? Stopping your ea, disconnecting you, closing trades, massive slippage...

I hope your happy with the work you get for your ea.



You also acused me of wanting coding for free just as Bongo and Codemeister did. Only difference is, you are correct you were not RUDE about it. I do owe you an appology for being rude to you. You are right again PipGuard I was pissed, by the time I saw your post as well. I see nothing worng with sharing an ea paid for or not, with the rest of the forum, as you KNOW how many times forex traders are ripped off with promises of the next great ea that doesn't work worth a damn. I paid for the manual system I use, and would gladly pay for an ea that could trade the method, and let the rest of the world have it for no cost. I make my money in many ways including trading, but never off people who have been struggling as many forex traders are. Why is it such a new concept that a person has good intentions? and why do others deem it necessary to instanly jump all over another member without getting all the facts FIRST? Not everyone has evil intentions. Again PipGuard I am sorry for my pissed off responce to your original reply, and I do see your point.

Hi Cj59.

Throwing my two cents worth, we will code it for free here, but what we need is forward testing results doing manual trading or some sort of trading, using your method over a period of time, which depends, if after evaluation the coder sees potential immediately then it will be done immediately, anyway what i'm trying to say here is the time depends on the strategy .

Think you already realized the rude ones are commercial so if they hear any possible hint of the "fr_ _" word, they immediately go on the attack, and not saying you said or implied the "fr_ _" word,didn't see a hint of that. So Bongo and Codemeister please refrain from your attacks on any member, don't care how many posts they have, if they are newbie or contributer or whatever. None of that matters, we are interested in the strategy, and thats it! If someone is willing to share their strategy and testing results using their strategy, should be encouraged to do so, not discouraged.


Thank you Pipguard and MrTools.

I spent the better part of an hour talking this method over with a coder, and it seems He won't be able to code what it is I would like the ea to do. I will gladly share the method with the two of you, I have paid for this long ago and of course now its available free of charge.

Only wanted an ea for this to save me hours of sitting in front of the screen. It works on end of day reversals for various market closings. Simple system to follow and it is to make small pips not huge moves, altho once in a while you do get lucky. No tp is needed as the trade is closed based on time GMT. As soon as I am allowed to send PM's, I will certainly get the full system to both of you, no charge. I am use to trading it manually, so thats what I'll do, if your able to code it then that is a bonus to you. I don't expect anyone to work for free, specially these days when cash is hard to come by. A gift to the both of you for your understanding. I have just about every system and ea known to man, and will gladly share what I have with you.

Let me know how you like to trade and I can put together a file with everything I have for that style and send it along :-)

Best Regards


Honery old coot from the Midwest


Pipguard and MrTools

Drop me a note at cj5905@gmail.com put Old Coot in the subject line, and ill send both of you a copy asap.


Drop me a note at cj5905@gmail.com put Old Coot in the subject line, and ill send both of you a copy asap. cj59

that "implies" for free,It reads to post your ea idea here and we will develop it. It does not read "we will develop it for free".



Well, I have a slightly different take on this thread.

I came here to see if an MT4 coder would be able to "collaborate" with me, using my ideas. That's far from getting something for free, in my humble opinion.

When it comes to trade automation, two things are abundantly clear:

1) Trading ideas that work are the most important thing to a successful project.

2) Bug free and fully functional code is absolutely necessary for any automated trading system or strategy.

So, which one is more important? I don't think our industry/business/niche has taken the time to properly answer this question.

IMO, code is worthless without trade logic that works. You can write all the code in the world, but if the logic is flawed, or if the equity curve is flat, or negative, then one has just wasted their time in coding, when they could have investing their time in researching trading ideas that work.

It is also true that eventually, almost anyone can learn MQL - over time and with enough exposure. It is not true, that almost anyone can create trade logic that works long-term and is consistently profitable over time. If that were the case, then all serious minded traders would reach long-term success.

Creative ideas are therefore, the key to any successful automated process in trading. While the creative thinker, who is good at producing trading ideas that work, can eventually learn how to code, the coder may not have the same level of creative ability. Having the creative ability to write a full-blown enterprise business application (client and server side) from scratch, does not translate into the same creative ability to write trade logic that will generate a long-term positive equity curve in the financial markets. If that were true, then all programmers would be billionaires, not from the business applications they developed, but from the money their Bots make in the financial markets.

So, let us be honest about this question. Ideas that work, must come before any procedural code is written. The idea must be at the top of the food chain, else there is no justifiable reason to write any code.

That's just my two cents on the matter, as like I said - I came to this forum looking for a Partner Collaborator, not a Provider.

What's more important: An Aerodynamicist, or an Aircraft Assembly Worker? True, someone has to build the aircraft, no doubt. In that vein, the aircraft assembly worker is very important. No assembly - no aircraft. But, by an even greater token, no aircraft design, no aircraft to assemble. Thus, the design must always precede the build.

Now, the coder might say: Well, how do I know that your design will work? How do I know that I am not wasting my time as a coder?

That's a very valid question and there are several ways that such a question can be answered by the designer. The designer can show some results from manually trading the design. The coder can read the posts of a designer and discern whether or not the designer writes fluently enough about trading in general, to be knowledgeable about what really works and what does not really work, etc.

Or, the coder can take a different approach and simply say to themselves: What the heck have I got to lose anyway by coding this idea. If it works out for me, then I've just landed my Golden Goose, if not - then at least I did not have to pay for the ideas in the first place and maybe I can learn something from this idea that I can integrate with other ideas that I got from someone else in the past - to produce a hybrid concept that works better than both combined.