FXMoneyMaker RAS Signal Provider


The Famous Forex Trader & Analyst "FXMoneyMaker" who many forex-tsd traders know well from his thread on Forex-tsd Analytics forum under the Title

"Forex Buy & Sell Trading Signals" announces for all traders who had been using his Signals & Daily Analysis with big success that he's a RAS Signal Provider, started from around 1 week ago and traders who are interested can find his RAS Statistics & Join in by subscribing to his Signal if they like through RAS Website.

A Special System created by FXMoneyMaker would be trading this RAS Account and description is found at his Signal Page on Ras Website.

Besides, FXMoneyMaker would sometimes trade manually this RAS Account according to his Famous "Forex Buy & Sell Trading Signals" that all traders who follow his posts know well how they work, and for new traders who didn't yet get presented to FXMoneyMaker Thread, they can start to check it in the Analytics Forum to well understand how it works and with how much big % of success.

Hopefully, this step would be successful by helping traders who like the idea of Renting signals or Autotrading to gain big money in the forex market and this is the main purpose of this decision by FXMoneyMaker to be a RAS Signal Provider with a Special System created especially for this purpose.

All Questions & Suggestions can be done by replying to this thread.

Lets start gaining big money together traders


Post your signal ID when youre ready please.


Hi Zomg,

The Signal is ready entering its 2nd week of forex trading by a Special Trading System.

For traders who are interested and willing to take a look or/& subscribe to this Signal Awesome Statistics with consistent daily wins, big pips & money gain per day & week with also very low drawdown which is reflected by accurate Money Management besides accurate entry & exit prices for different pairs, can easily find the Signal at RAS Website by entering the following details in the search Tab:

Expert: FXMoneyMaker, Signal ID: 34948, Signal Name: FXMoneMaker

or for a faster find simply click this link or copy paste it into your browser: http://www.rentasignal.com/signal/view/34948

Lets Start Gaining Big Money Together Traders



Congratulations to your great start at RAS. I can see that you will be on the top in no time. Wish you the best.


Hi Forexdtrader & all Forex-tsd traders,

Thank You for your Nice Kind Compliment.

My Goal isn't to reach Top RAS Ranking but to maintain consistent profitable results per day and week which can be achieved by Discipline, Patience,

& Money Management that are my forex trading strategy rules.

Ofcourse, RAS Top Ranking would be very important for me but only in terms of better introducing my signal to new traders who are searching for a really Top System that have great results on the long term run..

My Goal is to read your same or related positive compliment from you & others after 3 months then 6 months then 1 year and so on from the time my created Special Trading System started trading RAS Account.

This is why I created a Special Trading System Exclusively for RAS Trading that took hard work to create and develop to have a high % of winning pips & low % of drawdown per day & week, besides being consistent for the long run profitability.

I would not talk about high expectations for my Special Trading System but I'll let it speak for itself by clear statistics that would always be found on the Signal RAS Web Page: http://www.rentasignal.com/signal/view/34948 then http://www.rentasignal.com/?affiliate=14135 when traders decide to join as subscribers if they like.

I was surprised by some traders subscribring from the start day of the Signal Trading on RAS Account before any statistics were found which many subscribers depend on to decide if this or that signal is Good for them, but maybe my High Reputation from my Thread

" Forex Buy & Sell Trading Signals" led to this quick trust in my Signal Great Performance.

Well, this trust had fast results by around 10,000 pips gain for some traders who started from this Signal Beginning trading day in around 12 days time.

Yes, this big number of pips isn't a dream but reality, this or near good number of pips had been gained by some subscribers till now and accounts are still ringing money, and remember that this amount can be multiplied by any number of lot size as the Subscriber wish to do, Certainly according to the Subscriber account size for best safe Money Management, but as you realize even with the lowest lot size subscribers had & would gain big money in very short time.

And, My Goal is the consistency of this High profitability for all new coming traders to also earn big money with the current subscribers keeping the long run winning High pips %.

I well know that expectations & pressure would be huge on my Special Trading System but again Discipline, Patience, & Money Management would be the Long Term Weapon for this Signal Profitability.

Best Regards,



ForexMoneyMaker New Signal

Hello Forex-Tsd Traders,

I would like you to take a look at my New Signal "ForexMoneyMaker" which provides promising results with bigger pips gains.

This System trades according to Swing, Breakout, & Counter Trend Strategies. For more info click this link if you like:

http://www.rentasignal.com/?affiliate=14135 then www.rentasignal.com/signal/view/35126

Kind Regards,



Hello Traders,

My Signals are both (" ForexMoneyMaker" & "FXMoneMaker") resuming trading with high profitability this New Month of October.

Go check the Great results and quickly subscribe to ForexMoneyMaker | Rent a Signal & FXMoneMaker | Rent a Signal, so you do not miss the Great opportunity of Gaining Big Fast Money from the Forex market.

All Questions & Suggestions are welcomed here.

Best Regards,
