Forbes Billionaires



If you want to be new billionaire

learn from these guys:

The World's Billionaires -




They forgot to put my name in the top....!!!..

Oh I see. That list is only for billionaires, not trillionaires.....


They forgot to put my name in the top....!!!..

Oh I see. That list is only for billionaires, not trillionaires.....

There you go, I add you to number 6

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There you go, I add you to number 6

Not me.

That one is number 666

I am not the fat one, but the other handsome guy sitting the other side of the pool.

richguy.jpg  23 kb


aren't we slightly OFF!!! the subject????


drop out?

aren't we slightly OFF!!! the subject????

you are on track pava, sorry i get carried away sometimes...

what i find that is really interesting though #11 on the list.

Li Ka-shing

He drop out of school at age 15, find a job, labor 16 hour days, and 7 years later at age 22 start his own business.

it just goes to show what hard work can accomplish.

i mean yes, it might of been luck that first business take off in success, or maybe he is prodigy,,,, i don't know

but i believe anyone can be success with very hard work and never give up. just like trading,, u might fail, fail, fail.... but never give up and one day you will succeed.

it is the 95% that will throw in towell,,, and it is the 5% that never give up and wear towell on head like me


there are still ways us poor guys pick up chicks at the pool.

check out my swan dive!

as I recall there was hardly a splash

but I still got the ladies wet!


Is there a list of richest people of each country?


I'm quite surprised that the Google fellas are so far down the list! Larry Page comes in at number 20, with Sergey Brin not making it!

There's going to be a power shift in the next few years methinks!


I hope they are very happy

I hope they are very happy

Why of course they are. Don't you know that being rich == happy :):)

Oh well, sometimes, ... rarely, ... almost never.