Can anyone be a Forex Trader? - page 2


What is Event Risk?

For those who are wondering what event risk is then let me explain it to you. It refers to the risk of the market moving due to an upcoming news release that may affect the global economy such as the crisis in Egypt right now. Many traders prefer not to take positions ahead of important news releases due to the risk of not knowing the outcome.


Mutual Funds VS. Individual Stocks

Some people have a hard time deciding if they should choose mutual funds or individual stocks, but some prefer to choose both. Let me give you the benefits of each investment. Mutual funds offer the following characteristics that many investors find attractive: Professional Management, Diversification, Selection and Convenience. Individual stocks on the other hand have the following characteristics that investors really like: No Fees, Greater Upside Potential and Hands-on Investing. Try to research more on both investments and make sure to choose the kind of investment that you are more comfortable with and can trust since you would be the only one making the decisions.


The Basic Methods of Trading

There are two basic methods of trading and that is on the exchange floor and electronically. Trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange is the most common image that most people have on how the market works. You can see hundreds of people shouting and gesturing to one another, talking on phones, watching monitors, and entering data into terminals when the market is open. There is also another way of trading and that is electronically. The NYSE only handles a small percentage of its volume electronically, while NASDAQ does all their trading electronically. This kind of trading uses vast computer networks to match buyers and sellers, rather than human brokers.


Are HYIP reliable?

That's why it is called High Yield Investment because high yield means high risk therefore there is a bigger risk involved in this kind of investment. You will never know when a HYIP goes out of business. The best advice is to never invest more than you could afford to lose and just use the spare money you have to avoid being bankrupt. There are still things you can do to avoid losing a lot in this kind of investment and that includes doing a lot of research.


Good stuff Shuanna, keep 'em coming


not everyone can be a forex trader. it requires hard work to master even the basic concepts. i'm still learning.


US Dollar Analysis

Daily/Weekly Wrap: It has been a great week for the US dollar index (USD/INX), moving up approximately 2.7%. The... CL FX Trade Solutions: Daily/Weekly Wrap


Everyone can be a forex trader but everyone can't be winner. The market theory won't allow everyone to make $$$ from this market. Its same like every business. Those who really know the market basics, have some experience and passes time to improve themselves always can only sustain for long duration.


Technically everyone who have lost or gain at least 1USD while selling or buying forex is a forex trader, even I am. But to be really called a forex trader, you must know all basic stuff and covered one strategy at least. Something that is more complex that it sounds. Speaking from personal experience.


U all make it sound Forex is Easy

Am a Newbie even after 2years of Trading. Forex trading is emotionally driven whichever way you view it.... But the fact that must be driven into every trader's heart is "anything that is gonna turn out well don't come easy". U need to create something dat soothes you and dats the only way u'll find trading fun to partake in. Cos when I started, i was highly miserable but now, am the best for it. Learning is never done in a hurry cos U'll only get half the knowledge and dat's y u have better traders dan some. Know dis, Forex is the study of human conscious and unconscious decisions when it has to do with MONEY!!!.