RAS ID: 33254 | FxGliderV4 - page 2


Another great day!

Another great trading day for me - gained 42 pips - done for the day, will be back tomorrow morning.


RAS ID 33254 | FxGliderV4


Doing a bit of recovering - should be back on track by the end of the day


Back up to 5% profit for the month!


6% for the month! I'm quite happy with that recovery :-)


Another small setback, but I should be out of it by day end tomorrow.


Ok, so today was not one of my best days. Please keep in mind that you will encounter days like these in the future. Every trader does. If you were trading high risk on your account you will be down 10% by now and low risk is only 1% down. I'm busy recovering my losses as we speak and should be on track by end of day tomorrow.

Track my signals for at least 30 days before you make up your mind whether or not my signals are for you.



I've picked up some serious discrepancies in my indi's and could not manage to get out of my 20% dd. I will have to investigate the settings and find out why they failed me so badly.

For now no more signals here.