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FOREX News: European Banks Dive Into G-7 Yen Intervention -

It was an extraordinary trading session in Europe, as several European central banks were seen intervening in a bid to tame the sky-high yen, but after an initial skid lower in yen crosses, the Japanese currency has regained momentum and clawed back some of its losses.

Intervention from the Bundesbank, the Banque of France, the Bank of England and later the Bank of Italy came after the Bank of Japan intervened on behalf of the Japanese Ministry of Finance overnight, spending around Y1 trillion to Y2 trillion buying dollars against the yen. The European Central Bank also ...Full Forex News at :

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Forex News - EUR/USD Weekly Outlook -

In the previous EUR/USD weekly review, we noted that Eurozone leaders had reached an in principle agreement on a pact for the Euro to coordinate economic policies. In talks is the establishment of the new European Stability Mechanism. This would probably spark increased optimism as the markets hopes for a stabilized Euro Zone. Having said so, concerns probably lingered as there are still various troubled countries of the Euro Zone. Greece, Ireland, Portugal and even Spain whose ratings were cut by Moody's recently.

In the beginning of the week, a forex gap developed. This was probably due to the change of expectations towards the Euro Zone after the mainly successful Euro Zone leaders summit. 1.4 was tested again. Next the German ZEW Economic Sentiment came out lower than expected and this brought the EURUSD under ...Full Forex News click below :

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Forex News -10 Important Things You Need To Know Before The Opening Bell-

Asian indices were mixed in overnight trading with the Nikkei down 0.48%.

The Jobs Report came in better than expected, with 216,000 new jobs added.

The Japanese government is expected to buy a 50% stake in TEPCO which manages the Fukushima plant via a public fund injection , according to reports.

NASDAQ has made a $11.3 billion hostile offer for the NYSE at $42.50 a share .

UK manufacturing growth slowed in March, with the PMI Index falling to a 5 month low of 57.1,indicating a slowdown in the economy.

The ISM Manufacturing Index will be released at 10 AM ET. The index is expected to come in at 61.2.

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