To be or not to be!


Why are so many people convinced that even though they don't know anything about trading they can plug in a highly suspect piece of software and hope to make fortunes?

Why do so many people keep looking for the very most complex strategies they can think of when it's quite obvious from the most experienced traders on here that the more simple strategies are best?

Why do people think they can master a skill that will earn them a mega living working from home a few hours week in a few months, when it takes 3 years to earn a university qualification so that you can have the chance to get a mediocre job where you have to work your but off?

Why do people ask questions in the first place if the only answer they take notice of is the one they want to hear in the first place?

There are probably more questions, and I'm not looking for answers, I think the initiated know the answers, I just want to highlight the point really.

Why are so many people convinced that even though they don't know anything about trading they can plug in a highly suspect piece of software and hope to make fortunes?

Why do so many people keep looking for the very most complex strategies they can think of when it's quite obvious from the most experienced traders on here that the more simple strategies are best?

Why do people think they can master a skill that will earn them a mega living working from home a few hours week in a few months, when it takes 3 years to earn a university qualification so that you can have the chance to get a mediocre job where you have to work your but off?

Why do people ask questions in the first place if the only answer they take notice of is the one they want to hear in the first place?

There are probably more questions, and I'm not looking for answers, I think the initiated know the answers, I just want to highlight the point really.

Don't ask questions you already know the answer to........ because if you do, then you probably don't really know the answer. Humans by nature, are greedy. Everyone wants to make fast money. Your post confuses me because I thought that was common knowledge.

Everyone wants to make fast money.

Fast and every easy money!

I thought that was common knowledge.

Somebody knows - somebody doesn't!

Why do people think they can master a skill that will earn them a mega living working from home a few hours week in a few months, when it takes 3 years to earn a university qualification so that you can have the chance to get a mediocre job where you have to work your but off?

This is human nature. I thought that only our people think like this but after traveling all over the world. - EVERYBODY! Do nothing and be rich

This is human nature. I thought that only our people think like this but after traveling all over the world. - EVERYBODY! Do nothing and be rich

Life is so unexpectable and at the same time unfair. So U have no idea what would happen and why.

That is why some one need to work hard and even though he would have nothing. And another one is so f#ing lucky so he have do nothing and would get a great profit.

We all believe in fortune


show me the money.

the best way to make money is to look at the moon and other planets who have gravitational pull on the prices.

UrAnus is the best planet.

This is human nature. I thought that only our people think like this but after traveling all over the world. - EVERYBODY! Do nothing and be rich

Forex is very, very hard work... looking news, etc,etc.

To beer or not to beer!


Anyone can sit down at a roulette wheel and win big.. Anyone can sit down at their trading terminal and win big..



Hi all..I'm here again after very long long time not keep in touch...still in forex matter...the most important in this business is trust your self and find your suit forex trading system be consistent and persistent

Why are so many people convinced that even though they don't know anything about trading they can plug in a highly suspect piece of software and hope to make fortunes?

Why do so many people keep looking for the very most complex strategies they can think of when it's quite obvious from the most experienced traders on here that the more simple strategies are best?

Why do people think they can master a skill that will earn them a mega living working from home a few hours week in a few months, when it takes 3 years to earn a university qualification so that you can have the chance to get a mediocre job where you have to work your but off?

Why do people ask questions in the first place if the only answer they take notice of is the one they want to hear in the first place?

There are probably more questions, and I'm not looking for answers, I think the initiated know the answers, I just want to highlight the point really.

Hi SD2010,

Honestly, your posting or topic is one of the most interesting that I red over the last years or that I feel connected with.

Let me give you my opinion that should connect to your posting:

I truelly believe that intelligence and wisdom can only come by selfknowledge.

Meaning that one needs to REALLY questionize himself before called upon.

That is looking to yourself in a confronting way that you need to conclude that you are maybe a dumbass or even an idiot or that you don't have anything smarter that the majority of people. But the vast majority of people can't do this. Because as I say, it is to confronting. Every person thinks of himself that he is a smartass or at least not a dumbass.

When I really started to pickup trading in 1996 (when day-trading was very hot on the nasdaq and ipo and pinksheets and was the place to be to become a so called overnight millionaire) I saw many SMART people that had quit their normall job to become a day trader. Even people like doctors, ingeneers, laywers but also "normal" people.

More then 99% of them failed in doing so.

It made me ask immediatly the following question: I do not have a univerisity diploma. Some of them have. If they can not make it then this must be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. The saying is that more then 95% of the people who want to make a living of trading need to stop within the first year and on top of that the other 5% need to stop after 2 years or 5 or 10 years because they suddenly lost it, so what arrogance do I have to think that I can make it in this world ??

So I realized from the very beginning that the chance that I would be in the small percentage of winning group is only 1% and the chance to be in the losing group is 99%.

That made me also realize that what ever action I will take in trading that my intuition or intellect would tell me to do, will be the same actions that the 99% group would do and will lead to failer.

Then I started to REALLY ask myself the exact same questions as you asked here. And one of my conclusions was ( and that I still use to this very same day): I will not seek to make money but I will seek to survive. If I can survive in the bad periods (that can last for 6 months) then maybe I could make money in the good periods.

Now after 15 years I know that this makes the whole difference. A professional trader will always look to trade with a system where the losses are the drawdowns are as small as possible so that he can survive in the long bad periods. They do not concentrate on profits or the reward.

An amateur traderwill always look to make as much possible money in a short period of time but sooner or later that will kill him and he will need to go back to the "normal world". They do not concentrate on losses or the risk.

I am very glad to still be around and will never forget on what to concentrate on in trading.

Friendly regards...iGoR


I'd like to point out that before heavy NFA regulations, the forex market itself was marketed as a get rich quick investment. Many people enter the forex world through spam sites and fed exactly what they want to hear: you'll get rich if you do this. Not to say that's the main reason why, (obviously they have bigger problems if they listen to scam artists) but there's something to be said about the "doors" that people walk through to get here.