Trading mtf in real time - page 2

Yes you are correct codex. All parameters you don't need are left blank.

The best thing about this software is that U really dont need any Mtf indicator

to trade multi time frames and am giving it out absolutely free to prove to those in the elite section that we can all be successful without paying a dime.

Please enjoy this and if you can test and create a good trading system with strategy tester and the help of my software I will love to hear ur result or through PMs.

I had to use ur name in the password cos u have been a friend too

U can also catch me on facebook for a live chat via




Deforex, thank you so much. Happy New Year!

Codex, you would be trading daily with the above calcs... you entered 1440... Happy New Year to you as well!!!

Hi Deforex,

Just to double check my use of the excel spreadsheet you have provided.

My Current Timeframe is: 1H

I want to add the CCI indicator to represent the 4H chart.

If I use the CCI indicator on the 4H chart with a period of 8, then I do the following on your spreadsheet.

High Time Frame: 1440

Time Frame Parameter 1: 8

Enter Low Time Frame: 60

(All other parameters are left to 0 or blank)

The result would then be 192. Meaning that I would add the default CCI indicator to my 1H chart with a period of 192, thus effective providing me with a 4H representation of the CCI on my 1H chart .

This is gold deforex, absolute gold. I can finally use the FML Trade simulator more effectively now!!



oops codex I wanted correct a mistake you made. U neede a reresentation of 4h on your 1h chart.

High Time Frame: 240(my correction)

Time Frame Parameter 1: 8

Enter Low Time Frame: 60

(All other parameters are left to 0 or blank)

The result would then be 32(my correction). Meaning that you would add the default CCI indicator to your 1H chart with a period of 32(my correction), thus effective providing you with a 4H representation of the CCI on your 1H chart .




Here is a simple line of MQL code
double coeff = TimeFrame/Period();
(TimeFrame being desired target time frame) and multiply any parameter by that coeff. But, as all free stuff, it can work only on some types of indicators and is an approximation known for a very long time (just look at the TimeRatio parameters used by Alexander Elder years and years ago) , and a multi time frame calculations are done differently for a simple reason : to avoid approximations whenever it is possible

Anyway, good to see the enthusiasm rising around the new year. Happy new year to all

Yes you are correct codex. All parameters you don't need are left blank.

The best thing about this software is that U really dont need any Mtf indicator

to trade multi time frames and am giving it out absolutely free to prove to those in the elite section that we can all be successful without paying a dime.

Please enjoy this and if you can test and create a good trading system with strategy tester and the help of my software I will love to hear ur result or through PMs.

I had to use ur name in the password cos u have been a friend too

U can also catch me on facebook for a live chat via



Here is a simple line of MQL code
double coeff = TimeFrame/Period();
(TimeFrame being desired target time frame) and multiply any parameter by that coeff. But, as all free stuff, it can work only on some types of indicators and is an approximation known for a very long time (just look at the TimeRatio parameters used by Alexander Elder years and years ago) , and a multi time frame calculations are done differently for a simple reason : to avoid approximations whenever it is possible Anyway, good to see the enthusiasm rising around the new year. Happy new year to all

Mladen am a fan and I respect your work. I also noticed that you are a moderator. That means you can delete or ban a member.

I'll just have to tell you to your face. Am not trying to set record for breaking a ground here. Also what this program does is in no way similar to that gibberish php code you just posted. If it is that simple then why re people just finding out now from this post that they can trade MTF on the same screen without switching and bothering about repaint.

This program also has noting to do with averages and approximation. Its simply a kindergarten theory of equivalent fractions. It takes care of only period parameters and not those other things you add to indicators such as k factor, smoothing and such.

Don't try to make it look like it was something simple that you could have done all these while. I don't understand that code you typed, I dont know where to apply it in an indicator code to get ur result, and even if I do then that means I will have to edit every indicator I get in order to use it in MTF.

I mean what are you trying to say? "Uh I have known this all along.....its nothing new, Blah Blah Blah". An ordinary forex trader wont do anything with that gibberish code you just typed but even a newbie will use this my program to achieve his goals of trading multi time frame on one chart without knowing JACK about mql language.

You hide Your researches in the elite section and only the one that gets smuggled out to a few tend to reach newbies. All you do is show Images of ur perfect indicators and tell us to subscribe to get it.

Am a fan of your indicators but am very disappointed in you.

I said earlier that if what I have done looks stupid SIMPLY IGNORE MY THREAD as long as am not spamming, scamming or selling anything to anybody or what? Your gonna ban me or delete my thread for helping the common trader with what I have discovered?

Please go back to your elite section and leave us alone here like you do Mladen





The problem with trading MTF using indicators is that because they lag, whatever your trigger TF is, the other TFs do not really do your system justice.



Statements like these : "... U can also catch me on facebook for a live chat via ..." are by any definition spamming and yet still you are left here (so much about banning or deleting part)

As of the rest : "... I am giving it out absolutely free to prove to those in the elite section ..." So when another free stuff appears you do not like it? And it is a simple coincidence that I post something about that exact thing in elite a week ago and then it is "discovered" here. So glad that the "tolerance is the name of the game" and that common spamming techniques (attack, attack and attack) are obsolete.


And for the end - quoting myself : A happy new year to all



I know what you mean

The problem with trading MTF using indicators is that because they lag, whatever your trigger TF is, the other TFs do not really do your system justice.

Nice approach and I also want to let you know that I have noticed that lag and in that case let me teach you something else. This is how I deal with the lag of trading with higher time frames.

Lets say I want to use 3 cci for 3 timeframes with parameters of 8 and 8 is an even number, instead of converting the parameter in direct proportional form of CCI 4H, CCI 1H, CCI 30MINS

8 8 8

I convert the parameters in an inverse proportional manner


4 6 8

What did I do here? The higher the time frame the lower the parameter I convert. and the lower the time frame the the higher the parameter. now that gives me a little quicker response from the higher time frame.

There if you must know I don't trade the same parameters of the same Mtf indicators. As I ascend on time frame for confirmation I descend on parameters. And It keeps me in tuned with the higher time frame whether you like it or not. He he he he he. Lets assume I want to add a daily CCI to make it 4 time frames it will be

CCI 30mins CCI 1H CCI 4H CCI D1

8 6 4 2


CCI 30mins CCI 1H CCI 4H CCI D1

8 6 5 3


Just note that its better when the relationship between your time frames and you indicators should not be directly proportional but inversely proportional.





Statements like these : "... U can also catch me on facebook for a live chat via ..." are by any definition spamming and yet still you are left here (so much about banning or deleting part)

As of the rest : "... I am giving it out absolutely free to prove to those in the elite section ..." So when another free stuff appears you do not like it? And it is a simple coincidence that I post something about that exact thing in elite a week ago and then it is "discovered" here. So glad that the "tolerance is the name of the game" and that common spamming techniques (attack, attack and attack) are obsolete.


And for the end - quoting myself : A happy new year to all


Will delete that facebook thing if u wanna hold me down on that. All am saying is that u cant just write some code and expect anybody to just understand what it means, like its that simple.

He he he ehe. Mladen Am still a fan but am still dissappointed at ur post earlier lol





U are absolutely correct codex

Hi Deforex,

Just to double check my use of the excel spreadsheet you have provided.

My Current Timeframe is: 1H

I want to add the CCI indicator to represent the 4H chart.

If I use the CCI indicator on the 4H chart with a period of 8, then I do the following on your spreadsheet.

High Time Frame: 1440

Time Frame Parameter 1: 8

Enter Low Time Frame: 60

(All other parameters are left to 0 or blank)

The result would then be 192. Meaning that I would add the default CCI indicator to my 1H chart with a period of 192, thus effective providing me with a 4H representation of the CCI on my 1H chart .

This is gold deforex, absolute gold. I can finally use the FML Trade simulator more effectively now!!



Yes you are correct codex. All parameters you don't need are left blank.

The best thing about this software is that U really dont need any Mtf indicator

to trade multi time frames and am giving it out absolutely free to prove to those in the elite section that we can all be successful without paying a dime.

Please enjoy this and if you can test and create a good trading system with strategy tester and the help of my software I will love to hear ur result or through PMs.

I had to use ur name in the password cos u have been a friend too





DeForex, thanks a lot bud. Have a Happy New Year.