Forex Books - page 96


Practical C++ Financial Programming by Carlos Oliveira : the book

Practical C++ Financial Programming is a hands-on book for programmers wanting to apply C++ to programming problems in the financial industry. The book explains those aspects of the language that are more frequently used in writing financial software, including the STL, templates, and various numerical libraries. The book also describes many of the important problems in financial engineering that are part of the day-to-day work of financial programmers in large investment banks and hedge funds. The author has extensive experience in the New York City financial industry that is now distilled into this handy guide.

Focus is on providing working solutions for common programming problems. Examples are plentiful and provide value in the form of ready-to-use solutions that you can immediately apply in your day-to-day work. You’ll learn to design efficient, numerical classes for use in finance, as well as to use those classes provided by Boost and other libraries. You’ll see examples of matrix manipulations, curve fitting, histogram generation, numerical integration, and differential equation analysis, and you’ll learn how all these techniques can be applied to some of the most common areas of financial software development. These areas include performance price forecasting, optimizing investment portfolios, and more. The book style is quick and to-the-point, delivering a refreshing view of what one needs to master in order to thrive as a C++ programmer in the financial industry.

Covers aspects of C++ especially relevant to financial programming.

Provides working solutions to commonly-encountered problems in finance.

Delivers in a refreshing and easy style with a strong focus on the practical.

What you’ll learn

Understand the fundamental problem types in the financial market.

Design algorithms to solve financial programming problems.

Extend C++ through Python extensions and LUA modules.

Employ third-party numeric libraries such as those from Boost.

Properly engage key C++ features such as templates and exception handling.

Benefit from new features in C++14, such as auto variables and closures.

Who this book is for

Practical C++ Financial Programming is for professionals or advanced students who have interest in learning C++ financial programming, especially in preparation for a professional career. Readers should have a working-knowledge of programming in C, C++, or some other C-like language. The book is also useful to current practitioners at financial institutions as a ready-reference to common development problems and techniques.

Vijay Singal, "Beyond the Random Walk: A Guide to Stock Market Anomalies and Low Risk Investing" : the book

In an efficient market, all stocks should be valued at a price that is consistent with available information. But as financial expert Vijay Singal, Ph.D., CFA, points out, there are circumstances under which certain stocks sell at a price higher or lower than the right price. In Beyond the Random Walk, Singal discusses ten such anomalous prices and shows how investors might--or might not--be able to exploit these situations for profit. The author distills several decades of academic research into a focused discussion of market anomalies that is both accessible and useful to people with varied backgrounds. Past empirical evidence is supplemented with author's own research using more recent data. Anomalies covered include the "December Effect," "Momentum in Industry Stocks," "S&P 500 Index Changes," "Trading by Insiders," and "Merger Arbitrage." In each chapter, the author describes the particular anomaly, explains how it occurs, shows ways to take advantage of the anomaly, and highlights the risks involved.

Curtis Faith, "Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders" : the book

“We're going to raise traders just like they raise turtles in Singapore.”

So trading guru Richard Dennis reportedly said to his long-time friend William Eckhardt nearly 25 years ago. What started as a bet about whether great traders were born or made became a legendary trading experiment that, until now, has never been told in its entirety.

Way of the Turtle reveals, for the first time, the reasons for the success of the secretive trading system used by the group known as the “Turtles.” Top-earning Turtle Curtis Faith lays bare the entire experiment, explaining how it was possible for Dennis and Eckhardt to recruit 23 ordinary people from all walks of life and train them to be extraordinary traders in just two weeks.

Only nineteen years old at the time-the youngest Turtle by far-Faith traded the largest account, making more than $30 million in just over four years. He takes you behind the scenes of the Turtle selection process and behind closed doors where the Turtles learned the lucrative trading strategies that enabled them to earn an average return of over 80 percent per year and profits of more than $100 million. You'll discover

How the Turtles made money-the principles that guided their trading and the step-by-step methods they followed

Why, even though they used the same approach, some Turtles were more successful than others

How to look beyond the rules as the Turtles implemented them to find core strategies that work for any tradable market

How to apply the Turtle Way to your own trades-and in your own life

Ways to diversify your trading and limit your exposure to risk

Offering his unique perspective on the experience, Faith explains why the Turtle Way works in modern markets, and shares hard-earned wisdom on taking risks, choosing your own path, and learning from your mistakes.

Cybercash: The Coming Era of Electronic Money by Robert Guttmann : the book

Cybercash refers to the creation and circulation of online money. Guttman applies economic analysis to this electronic money to understand how it will enable the internet to re-establish itself as the dynamic center of the new economy and how this new money form will become the dominant payment mechanism rivaling cash, paper checks or credit cards. This will be the first book to look at the coming era of electronic money within the broader context of the economy.
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Multistage Stochastic Optimization by Georg Ch. Pflug and Alois Pichler : the book

Multistage stochastic optimization problems appear in many ways in finance, insurance, energy production and trading, logistics and transportation, among other areas. They describe decision situations under uncertainty and with a longer planning horizon. This book contains a comprehensive treatment of today’s state of the art in multistage stochastic optimization. It covers the mathematical backgrounds of approximation theory as well as numerous practical algorithms and examples for the generation and handling of scenario trees. A special emphasis is put on estimation and bounding of the modeling error using novel distance concepts, on time consistency and the role of model ambiguity in the decision process. An extensive treatment of examples from electricity production, asset liability management and inventory control concludes the book.

The Determinants of Currency Crises: A Political Economy Approach By Bjorn Rother : the book

This book explores the role of political factors in the occurrence of currency crises, using an eclectic approach that blends case studies, a rigorous theoretical discussion, and econometric analysis. A lot of research has been carried out on currency crises, but the existing literature largely fails to adequately recognize the role of politics in creating financial turbulence. This book explains the role of political factors in the occurrence of currency crises, using an eclectic approach that blends case study methodology, a rigorous theoretical discussion, and econometric analysis.

Søren Bisgaard and Murat Kulahci, "Time Series Analysis and Forecasting by Example" : the book

An intuition–based approach enables you to master time series analysis with ease

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting by Example provides the fundamental techniques in time series analysis using various examples. By introducing necessary theory through examples that showcase the discussed topics, the authors successfully help readers develop an intuitive understanding of seemingly complicated time series models and their implications.

The book presents methodologies for time series analysis in a simplified, example–based approach. Using graphics, the authors discuss each presented example in detail and explain the relevant theory while also focusing on the interpretation of results in data analysis. Following a discussion of why autocorrelation is often observed when data is collected in time, subsequent chapters explore related topics, including:

Graphical tools in time series analysis

Procedures for developing stationary, non–stationary, and seasonal models

How to choose the best time series model

Constant term and cancellation of terms in ARIMA models

Forecasting using transfer function–noise models

The final chapter is dedicated to key topics such as spurious relationships, autocorrelation in regression, and multiple time series. Throughout the book, real–world examples illustrate step–by–step procedures and instructions using statistical software packages such as SAS®, JMP, Minitab, SCA, and R. A related Web site features PowerPoint slides to accompany each chapter as well as the book′s data sets.

With its extensive use of graphics and examples to explain key concepts, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting by Example is an excellent book for courses on time series analysis at the upper–undergraduate and graduate levels. it also serves as a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers who carry out data and time series analysis in the fields of engineering, business, and economics.

In Defense of Deflation (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies) by Philipp Bagus : the book

This book analyses the causes and consequences of deflation. In contrast to the widespread belief that deflation would be harmful to the economy as a whole, the author argues that free market deflation is liberating and beneficial. Several myths of deflation are exposed and the reasons for the widespread deflation phobia that serves to justify expansionary monetary policy, i.e., inflation are investigated. Two historical case studies, the growth deflation in the US after the Civil War and the bank credit deflation in Germany during the Great Depression are discussed to illustrate the points made in the theoretical analysis of deflation.

Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Solutions Manual (San) by John C. Hull : the book

There are many exercises after each chapter of Hull's book and they help a lot in understanding the chapter's content and many questions are very classic. You've got to have this solution manual to know the answers!

Anthony Crescenzi, Mohamed El-Erian, "The Strategic Bond Investor: Strategies and Tools to Unlock the Power of the Bond Market, 2 Edition" : the book

Uncover the newest profit opportunities in today's bond marketplace!

The Strategic Bond Investor explains how to maximize your investing returns with bonds—one of the few reliable and stable investments left standing after all the economic chaos. Senior vice president and portfolio manager at PIMCO, Anthony Cescenzi provides an aggressive yet risk-conscious approach you can easily build into your overall trading strategy in the fixed-income market.