Editing mql4 with some other editor?(eclipse?)


Hi guys, i have a question about editing mql4 files. Is it possible to edit them in some other editor than the one which comes with mt4? For example i write java scripts in a programm called eclipse. I like it since it shows you more stuff while you are writing ect. Is there a plugin for ecplise or some other editor?

thanks a lot



Figure it out


I believe the mql files are simply text, so yes, you could code them in any other program.

I'd suggest Notepad++, which allows you to set up custom styles and color systems, which is why I assume you want to develop outside of the standard editor.

Windows: Right-click your file, select "Open With..." and at the bottom there's an option for declaring the default program to use. I can't recall the exact text, but use that and then go search for your Notepad++ (or whatever) installation and hit OK. After that, you should simply be able to double-click any mql file to open it in your new program.

The only irritating thing is that you'll still have to reload it in the editor and press compile each time, which could be a pain.