Question regarding inverses of pair(s)



I'm glad to have found this place. I see a lot of hardcore professionals moving around here, so I believe I'm at the right place...

Please don't laugh at my question right away, for I'm very green at this. But I can't seem to understand, and I need to ask. Please explain it to me so I understand.

If I SELL EUR/GBP, is it the same as BUYing GBP/EUR? And why?

If not, and my broker only supports EUR/GBP, is the only way to achieve the effect of buying GBP/EUR to construct a synthetic pair (I believe it's called that..)?

I'd be happy if someone could explain this to me...

Thank you!


I'm glad to have found this place. I see a lot of hardcore professionals moving around here, so I believe I'm at the right place...

Please don't laugh at my question right away, for I'm very green at this. But I can't seem to understand, and I need to ask. Please explain it to me so I understand.

If I SELL EUR/GBP, is it the same as BUYing GBP/EUR? And why?

If not, and my broker only supports EUR/GBP, is the only way to achieve the effect of buying GBP/EUR to construct a synthetic pair (I believe it's called that..)?

I'd be happy if someone could explain this to me...

Thank you!

Yes, it's the same.

Same logic as :

1 TIMES 1/10 = 0.1

1 DIVIDE 10/1 = 0.1

Yes, it's the same.

Same logic as :

1 TIMES 1/10 = 0.1

1 DIVIDE 10/1 = 0.1

So simple... Thank you very much!

So simple... Thank you very much!

It's always simple when you know.

And now you know!