Using the Cloud for GP Computing - page 2


Does anyone know about how is it possible to use the MQL Cloud for general purpose computing ? ( Articles )

Like for example using an algorithm on large array divided to multiple agents and returning the results to the source requested.

Thank you for any replies and responses.

PCWalker, I forgot to mention, but last year I proposed a framework to create a Supercomputer using the MT5 Cloud, but in Portuguese forum (see pocket below).

In my opinion, create a standard and generic framework is the way, but I have to slow down in this sense because I was very busy that time.

I was not sure also if this would be a good idea, since we could overload the agents with 'no optimization' tasks.

Anyway, I like too much the idea and count on me to explore more it.


Fórum de negociação, sistemas de negociação automatizados e testes de estratégias de negociação

Construindo um Supercomputador usando a Cloud do MT5

figurelli, 2013.12.16 13:56

Que tal criar um projeto totalmente novo, e fora do usual dentro do MT5, mas aproveitando todo o potencial da Cloud Network para construir um Supercomputador genérico?

O potencial da Cloud Network e tendência de crescimento pode ser visto nesse link:

A ideia seria criar um framework para as mais variadas aplicações de processamento paralelo, e não somente as da área financeira, aproveitando a disseminação internacional da plataforma e a grande quantidade de agentes.

Dessa forma, a proposta é inserir projetos de forecasting e pesquisas dos mais variados tipos.

Não sei até que ponto é possível evoluir nesse sentido, mas minha ideia é criar um case inicial de testes do framework, justamente com um exemplo que tem muito a ver com o nosso idioma.

Nesse caso é possível sonhar com a ideia de construir um Supercomputador usando a Cloud Network do MT5 para projetar o campeão da Copa do Mundo de 2014 ;-)

Quem sabe no futuro não teremos novas aplicações mais genéricas de um Supercomputador rodando na Cloud do MT5.


PCWalker, you are welcome.

As far as I know this is not a problem, but a design decision. To explore more agents you must select Slow Complete Algorithm for optimization.

I did select the slow complete option, but still I get only 100-200 agents. Thank you.

PCWalker, I forgot to mention, but last year I proposed a framework to create a Supercomputer using the MT5 Cloud, but in Portuguese forum (see pocket below).

In my opinion, create a standard and generic framework is the way, but I have to slow down in this sense because I was very busy that time.

I was not sure also if this would be a good idea, since we could overload the agents with 'no optimization' tasks.

Anyway, I like too much the idea and count on me to explore more it.


Yes, I was looking out for that article, do you have the address. I wanted to read it, and see if there are other ideas that I can follow for using the cloud as a Super Computer. Thank you.
Yes, I was looking out for that article, do you have the address. I wanted to read it, and see if there are other ideas that I can follow for using the cloud as a Super Computer. Thank you.
PCWalker, this is just an insight I published here that time, by now the only address I have is my right brain side ;-)

For reference, maybe the following chapter "Using the Strategy Tester for Optimization Problems in Mathematical Calculation" in this article could be useful.


For reference, maybe the following chapter "Using the Strategy Tester for Optimization Problems in Mathematical Calculation" in this article could be useful.

The title of the chapter is encouraging, anyway the idea is quite simple: the use of 2D/3D graph mode to view the graph of the formula after the optimization, like example below: 

//| Tester function                                                  |
double OnTester()
   double sink=MathSin(x*x+y*y);

However the challenge of a Supercomputer based on strategy tester regards the integration between each result or step, using the power of parallel processing inside of OnTester().

So, my idea to address this is create a framework, that manages this integration of several parallel results in a way that we can process any parallel algorithm using the same procedures, and solve any problem that a Supercomputer is used to.