I know the perfect way to win at forex - page 9


Oh come on CheckDavid, ok so noobs don't know how to manage their money, but ALSO they don't even know what trades to make.

I want to thank Igor and xx3xxx. They are nice guys who deserve to win at Forex.

Hi Mirq,

Thanks for your nice words.

One more thing that I would like to give to you....

Many years ago I had the same idea as you had like you discribed in your first posting. Let me tell you what happend to me.....

I searched for years for a winning system....

Could not really find it.......

Then I thought the same as you, trade a losing system the other way around........

So I started looking for a losing system (which should be easy because if most systems would be winning systems we would not play with the idea to trade them the other way around)........

I found a losing system........

But the next step is to look for the system that is losing the most, because the more it looses and when you trade it the other way around the more money you gonna make......

So then I was suddenly concentrating on finding the most losing system.....

And then I realized that maybe it would be better to go back to what I was doing initialy and that is looking for the most profitable system. This way I would not need to turn it the other way around........

I hope you see what I mean...

Friendly regards...iGoR

PS. A couple of years later, I found my winning system.


If you know the perfect way to win at forex why are you saying it to all? It must be your BIGGEST mystery!


He's altruistic person or too opinionated


It is some kind impossible...


Best Strategy ever. What you should know.

You can't pretty much win trading. you have 25% (up market,down market,sell,buy)to choose a winning trade at random and even if you have a so call great strategy(trading system) it will reverse to the mean(no matter what money management you use). Unless you know the future you are just guessing. Whether is a smart guess or not is still a guess.

Do this test...

Record all your activities in one day then plot those activities in a chart then base on your indicators try to predict if tomorrow will be a good day or bad day for you. Also pin point the time when u will be either sad or happy during the day and thats technical analysis.

Since trading is pretty much a wave no matter what you do. It will always ram you over by the consolidation and there is not way to know when that will happen(50/50 is like not knowing). If you filter side ways you filter the entry of your impulse. If you have a system that works, it should work at any time frame(Like fractal). If you go higher time frame you have less noise but is the same as getting a 1 min chart zoom in with a microscope. So i have come to one conclusion, Making money is equal at making less decision(guessing) and have a hell of a good luck. I know what type replies this post will bring "Let warren buffet know that he should close berkshire Hathaway"

I think the only way to make money is to be a broker, they get commision, whether you win or loose. At the end i wounder if all these fx websites are just a bunch of sell persons keeping those naive enough to keep pouring their money on their fx accounts. You know hope never dies! right.

Another thing that may possibly work is trading news. Just because is the only thing that a bunch of people will do at the same time most of the time. NFP is the best example.

The problem with that is that you only have like 2 trades per month and what if those trade don't work. You will waste 2 months for nothing. At the end, i feel like trading is just an illusion game and because hope never dies, we want to keep our dreams of being a multi millionaire alive.

P.S. Hope you guys can understand my post.

I just want to leave you this thought "If something doesn't work consistently, how can you depend on it." That side ways monster is waiting for you just around the corner.

I wonder how long will it take for me to get either banned or get this post deleted..


I am not really sure what the "perfect" way to win at forex is, but I know this article really helped me that I just read "believe in your trade", this guy's got some great stuff...

I am not really sure what the "perfect" way to win at forex is, but I know this article really helped me that I just read "believe in your trade", this guy's got some great stuff...

This guy's have some great stuff...but no EA!

I have good PriceAction_EA.




Back Test...

for PriceAction_EA.

This guy's have some great stuff...but no EA!

I have good PriceAction_EA.



hi Bongo

this is the mq4 version,maybe they have the same code,i find it in the TSD forum. but i do not know how to make profits by the EA, can you give the best pair and timeframe? thank you

