Need help indentifying indicator - page 82

hello bongo --- the broker is of no importance whatsoever and is rather silly to ask as short of outright stealing your money, most are as crooked as the next.

you see, its NOT what broker you use, which indicators you use or do you part your hair on the left or right ---- its LEARNING HOW TO TRADE CORRECTLY and then practicing the craft constantly, improving each and every day until its a complete part of you.

my only reason for being here is to dispel the nonesence that naked traders put forth --- that THEY and only they have the ANSWER, which is pure HOGWASH !

I simply wish to point out that ANYONE who believes they have the ONLY answer is lacking experience, awfully young and rather stupid !

and this is the only way i can prove it !

so now I have accomplished what i came for and sincerely doubt there are many on this site that can dispute my thoughts, so I bid yee a fond adieu, a good year, and LEARN to trade not just trust some ex newb who really hasnt had the time to really learn what its all about !

enjoy and trade well

OH, BTW --- presently working with 175 closed trades and a profit of $38000.00 so far, and its only noon


I have almost 20 years of experience and you are calling me stupid.

U are Idiot!

I worked for big brokerage company and I know what I talking about.

As a broker, I will not let you closed 175 trades...


actually, i never called you anything as you never stated that naked trading was the only way --- what i said is simply a general statement to those who would state that there is only ONE way.

and if you wouldnt let me close 175 trades, at the present time Ive closed 202 --- glad you werent MY broker.

remember, the broker makes money on the spread, and I give them plenty -- as far as my trades, they simply lay them off on someone else --- THEY NEVER LOSE !


I have almost 20 years of experience and you are calling me stupid.

U are Idiot!

I worked for big brokerage company and I know what I talking about.

As a broker, I will not let you closed 175 trades...

be warned newbies


OH, BTW --- presently working with 175 closed trades and a profit of $38000.00 so far, and its only noon


All newb be careful when you see statement like this, and don't just jump on board, do your due diligence... I don't want to decide for anybody, So check below and decide for yourself.

Links and posts from other forum that mp6140 is involved in;

Re: "Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did

Quote:Originally Posted by mp6140

--- its easy to sling mud, but one needs something behind --- something called "facts"


You want facts? I'll give you facts.

Your name is Mike Parker,

you believe you can predict the market,

you claim to make 302 winning trades (no proof as of yet),

you use no stops,

you average down,

you stated the market would go to 12690 on Monday, if not definitely on Tuesday. The DOW came within 10 points of 13000 yesterday.

you see reversals in completely uptrending days (see here),

you'd close winning trades for 3 points profit (see here),

you've posted on a site Stockhideout which led to other people losing money using your "methods",

you've been expelled from ET after your true nature has been exposed,

you've left your wife and kids without money,

you've opened accounts on at least a dozen trading websites (try googling for 'mp6140'),

you've falsely accused me of plagiarism,

you've yet to show one live trade,

you claim to be interested in nothing more "but expressing your ideas", yet you accuse anyone that does the same of copying your methods, you try very hard in convincing your method is the most profitable one and you fail to admit you're wrong in the face of adversity (see here),

you've derailed more threads than anyone else in the short time you've been here,

you've been banned before.

In short, there's only one rational conclusion. You're a complete and utter nut.

Even new_trader (read here) and temptrader (read this), which I had many arguments with, back me up on this. If there is any single person still left on this site who thinks otherwise?!

You want more 'facts'?

Forums - Lost half of my years salary in a week!

"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did | Trade2Win Forums

"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did | Trade2Win Forums

I shouldn't be doing this but since i know this thread is for the newbies, i have to contribute my 2cents


Be skeptical when you hear something too good to be true.

All newb be careful when you see statement like this, and don't just jump on board, do your due diligence... I don't want to decide for anybody, So check below and decide for yourself.

Links and posts from other forum that mp6140 is involved in;

Re: "Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did

Quote:Originally Posted by mp6140

--- its easy to sling mud, but one needs something behind --- something called "facts"


You want facts? I'll give you facts.

Your name is Mike Parker,

you believe you can predict the market,

you claim to make 302 winning trades (no proof as of yet),

you use no stops,

you average down,

you stated the market would go to 12690 on Monday, if not definitely on Tuesday. The DOW came within 10 points of 13000 yesterday.

you see reversals in completely uptrending days (see here),

you'd close winning trades for 3 points profit (see here),

you've posted on a site Stockhideout which led to other people losing money using your "methods",

you've been expelled from ET after your true nature has been exposed,

you've left your wife and kids without money,

you've opened accounts on at least a dozen trading websites (try googling for 'mp6140'),

you've falsely accused me of plagiarism,

you've yet to show one live trade,

you claim to be interested in nothing more "but expressing your ideas", yet you accuse anyone that does the same of copying your methods, you try very hard in convincing your method is the most profitable one and you fail to admit you're wrong in the face of adversity (see here),

you've derailed more threads than anyone else in the short time you've been here,

you've been banned before.

In short, there's only one rational conclusion. You're a complete and utter nut.

Even new_trader (read here) and temptrader (read this), which I had many arguments with, back me up on this. If there is any single person still left on this site who thinks otherwise?!

You want more 'facts'?

Forums - Lost half of my years salary in a week!

"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did | Trade2Win Forums

"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did | Trade2Win Forums

I shouldn't be doing this but since i know this thread is for the newbies, i have to contribute my 2cents

MP -- SEE, disagree and one gets slammed, just as always

My reason here is simply to enter the indicator discussion and thats that --- to back up what i said, I enclosed statements from 2 different accounts and at 2 different times AND THAT WAS THAT --- I was gone until I found this man drooling and driveling in my email, and being THAT sort of person, I make one last appearance AND THEN IM GONE

Oh, Im sorry, but those 175 closed trades ended up at 220, and then multiple overnite trades brought in a multiple of 100 pip trades also --- believe it was 18 K profit from 5pm yesterday to this morning when i looked..

NOW NEWBS, the information on "trusting" or not trusting someone who comes in and makes it sound so GOOD is WELL STATED --- the only difference is I'm not selling or giving away ANYTHING.

The other thing you got ABSOLUTELY correct is that I'm a nut, although with the size of the account at this point, ECCENTRIC is far the better choice in words --- You cant catch me, so you try to tar and feather me instead so who needs you ?

I came here simply to state my feelings concerning "indicators vs. trading naked (or with a bikini)" and THATS IT !

so lets repeat that --- I DONT WANT YOUR TIME, MONEY OR EVEN EYES

All I do is trade, and I do it fairly well and there a few students that understand how i trade and are doing very nicely now, and thats simply ALL I do !

The rest, well I gave you as up to date statement as i could, practically hot off the printer, and now you state i dont provide info --- SEE why I have NO NEED of these forumns and you especially ?

I shall continue to make money --- u can spout theory for a few years.

I'll be way ahead !

enjoy and trade well



Hi mp6140,

Why did you occupy this thread?

Name of this thread is not

I need total help from mp6140!!!

name of this thread is

I need total help!!!

means: from everybody.

So, please stop here and give the other people chance to participate and to help the people.

Do not use this thread for your personal promotion please.

Otherwise it will be the queue of the people longing to help to newbies

(sorry for the joke).


MP -- Im really trying to get out of this thread now

Newdigital --- I long ago made you a promise NOT to do what you are saying and have posted that message below quite clearly !

I STOPPED by ONLY to throw in my feelings about the "indicators" vs "no indicators" debate and FOR NOTHING ELSE !

I was asked to provide proof of my trading WITH INDICATORS and did so, and then I stated that I was GONE !

I am NOT answering arguments or in any way shape or manner attempting to "solicit" ANYTHING, as i so simply and honestly stated below --- ONE thing and ONE thing only was my reason for being here, and I have stated my position, defended it with absolutely current broker statements, and now I wish to simply LEAVE.

I seek no more students because I have passed the torch to three "newbies" who will carry my concepts forward over the years, and thats the best ANY person can wish for as a legacy !

NO my friend, I'm not here to disrupt, take over or do anything else -- just to put my ideas on a very SMALL subject out into the light ---- My apologies for having a strong personality, but thats what it took to bring my account to where it is now, and in the process a few new traders learned in two years what would take a lifetime, and thats the END of that !

Kindly notice, that in only the smallest of ways, have I answered my obvious hateful enemy, and will direct NO more conversation his way as its simply not worth it and i have no desire to disrupt your site.

when I said i was GONE, I meant it --- stop addressing me on this thread and you wont hear from me again, but please dont attempt to belittle ME, as I'm not doing it to anyone else and such manners are what I expect !

Hi mp6140,

Why did you occupy this thread?

Name of this thread is not

I need total help from mp6140!!!

name of this thread is

I need total help!!!

means: from everybody.

So, please stop here and give the other people chance to participate and to help the people.

Do not use this thread for your personal promotion please.

Otherwise it will be the queue of the people longing to help to newbies

(sorry for the joke).

I did not say gone and I did not say to stop forever.

... stop addressing me on this thread ...

It is because you posted so much on this thread which is belong to many members.

mp6140, please, we understand each other ... it was overpromotion from your side so that is why the people re-acted. Otherwise - why they should care about? I did not say to stop. I said: not so frequently otherwise it will be the battle on the forum (because the other members are not doing it).


Does anyone know the name of the indicator newsdigital sometimes uses when he posts results of various EA's?

It shows stats including sharpe ratio and profit factor up the top and down the bottom it has account balance as yellow line and equity as blue line.

equity.jpg  175 kb

Average traded price indicator-reg.,

Dear Friends,

I need a indicator which write a line that represents "AVERAGE TRADED PRICE / CLOSING AVERAGE" in 30 minutes chart. By using this indicator I can predict the market with the use of elliot wave counts. Sorry for my poor english.

Example :- Point A = High price, Point B= Low Price and Point C= Average trade Price. All these prices from the first 30 minutes candle of market open (Let it either London or America market open times).

