Need help indentifying indicator - page 35


MP -- and the silliness goes on !

Posting a bunch of statements proves nothing to me, once again you quite obviously forgot that I don't care unless their live.

Oh theyre live my friend, and WAY MORE THAN YOU CAN HOPE TO EVER ACHIEVE !

WAIT --- IVE GOT IT ! You want me to call trades LIVE so you can finally make some REAL MONEY --- is that the reason my friend ?

Would you like to give me a couple hours to copy and paste someone's pictures too?

Youre almost as much fun as an old fashioned hayride --- fortunately others will understand the truth.

Are you this way with anyone who gives away information while you CHARGE FOR IT ?

If we're here to copy and paste pictures, I suggest you buy a picture book- fitting for your intellect.

Matter of fact- You still don't have a MT4 Live updater and or FXBook? I wonder why.

The one overpowering solution to your question, that your intellect fails to grasp even when it stares at the letters FXCM, is that I dont trade MT4 and therefore why would I have anything related to it, which I presume these "things" you speak about have ?

----- you know im not in the habit of sharing my statements, so I need no applications that make it easier or whatever the ones you speak of do ?

Enjoy and trade well



Are you this way with anyone who gives away information while you CHARGE FOR IT ?

Any proof of that? Lol- claiming I have commercial interests now? Nice- did you learn that in a psychology book?

Is that mt4 installation still too difficult for you? Do i need to hold your hand for the process? You claim live, but you can never prove it can you? How many hours to you spend searching for pictures? How hard is it for you to copy trades on mt4? Still pathetic.

Enjoy and trade well mp

MP -- is there any reason under the sun to use MT4 ?

Are you this way with anyone who gives away information while you CHARGE FOR IT ?

Any proof of that? Lol- claiming I have commercial interests now? Nice- did you learn that in a psychology book?

NAH, learned it right here, on this very site !

Is that mt4 installation still too difficult for you? Do i need to hold your hand for the process? You claim live, but you can never prove it can you? How many hours to you spend searching for pictures? How hard is it for you to copy trades on mt4? Still pathetic.

GOLLY, think if I traded a currenex platform --- how you WOULD GO ON about that, wanting me to trade an old timer like MT4 although, considering how the market has changed its manners since the summer, going Currenex has become more than an interesting idea, what with now being able to hedge and the phenominally lower spreads available !

I had avoided it before as I trade both the up and downside of any timeframe, multiplied by (usually) all the timeframes (which is why i have so many orders working) and currenex had not allowed "hedging" or "counter trading the same currency" in the same account --- if you cant do it in the same account, then your margin is not nulled out, but of course you know that !

NOW things have changed and currenex has become a viable alternative to my present platform.

Quite honestly, there are FAR BETTER platforms for trading than MT4, which is sorta like bringing a Model T to Talladega !

enjoy and trade well



You can't afford Currenex, so stop bluffing.

And if you claim you use FXCM, where's the currenex trading history? Are you on crack?

enjoy and trade well mp

Mp -- the troll keeps trying

You can't afford Currenex, so stop bluffing.

you were the one who said i had to be a millionaire --- Currenex is not beyond any decent trader whos done it for a while !

And if you claim you use FXCM, where's the currenex trading history? Are you on crack?

You can see the statements and I would hope you can also see the FXCM on the top --- its a brit account, btw, because they allow hedging, as do all of the european and baltic countries that I know of ! FXCM is a liquidity provider and not tier one, but its still good enough to keep the home fires burning brightly and the McGivers happy as clams and i find it hard to get a currenex statement out of a non-currenex broker, but I shall tell them you INSIST and of course they should follow your every word !

There is absolutely NO reason for me to use that old fashioned clunker MT4 (5) for any reason that I can think of and when i go over to Currenex, you will be the second one who knows ---- I cant wait to see what you come up negatively with on that day, aside from "GULP!"

enjoy and trade well




So you claim you use currenex, and now you claim you don't.

You're a good story teller, and that's about it.

enjoy and trade well mp

Mp -- ??

WALLYWORLD --- even your jabs are now getting weaker

where on earth did i say i used currenex PRESENTLY ?

if you understand american english, i believe i said I am now VERY interested in it because it NOW allows trading the way I like, which it did not before, having been a single direction trading platform when working with one currency !

I believe its time for you to end this, as your rebukes are just becoming sad to see ------ BUT theres a positive side to all of this ---- give me just a little time and i bet I can make a decent trader out of even you !

Oh yeah, futures are up significantly leading to an UP open for stocks --- do you know how that will affect your currencies this morning ?

enjoy and trade well


Want to ask a question about technical trading? Send me a PM --- and since youre asking the question, I gotta figure you dont know the answer, so theres NO HOMEWORK TO DO, unlike some others who shall remain nameless and ignored !


So you claim you use currenex, and now you claim you don't.

You're a good story teller, and that's about it.

need help!

Anyone know this indi?

indi.doc  94 kb
Anyone know this indi?

Search in this forum for "3 level semafor". That's the one.