Need help indentifying indicator - page 17


Another time I want see big picture from you


cool (not .mq4, but still - thnx, Poruchik)

about COGs(non-JE) a lot in all-john-ehlers-indicators thread

and i believe in "something interesting" thread also

Great work Like always expecting from russian guys

This display looks so awesome, maybe you should quit forex trading and start producing this babies, you could make a fortune.

This display looks so awesome, maybe you should quit forex trading and start producing this babies, you could make a fortune.

cool, and i'll have job 2 paint it (if it repaints)


=== help need indicator ===

hi all

look at this indicator

we need it plz if u mind with timing...thanks


Very interesteed to know your opinion

Another time I want see big picture from you

Dear Poruchik,

I'm very interested and care to know What you think of AbHAFX indicator v2,v3?



Try this indicator


this may help

ip_aarg_v8a.jpg  144 kb

Greate Collection

Another time I want see big picture from you

Hi... Poruchik

Alwasy inspiring indicators/pictures from your great collection


Looking for the indicators

Hello guys and Admin,

I found the chart pic very interesting and a good set up for profitable 'day trading'.

But i do not know where i can find the indys on the chart.

So Pls if any one out there know where i can find them or have them, should kindly post it for the good of all.



Buy/Sell strength indicator using traded volume

Anybody know where to get something that works similar to this indicator? It's from Malcolm Robinson's course. The indicator is a Buy/Sell strength indicator which uses traded volume data. Mainly for spotting divergences. Thanks.

310709-1.jpg  90 kb