Account & Login Issues


Registration is required in order to use all the features of the forum. Being registered gives you an identity on the board, a fixed username on all messages you post and an online public profile.

Registration is free (unless otherwise specified), and offers an extended range of features, including:

  • Posting new threads
  • Replying to other peoples' threads
  • Editing your posts
  • Receiving email notification of replies to posts and threads you specify
  • Sending private messages to other members
  • Creating albums of pictures and comment on others' pictures
  • Adding events to the forum calendar
  • Setting up a 'contact list' to quickly see which of your friends are online.

How do I register?

You register by clicking on the 'Register' link near the top of the page. You will be asked to choose a user name, password and enter a valid email address. In addition there will be some other fields to which you will be invited to respond. Some will be mandatory while others are optional.

Once this is complete you will either be registered. We will dispatch and email to you. This email provides us a confirmation that nobody else registered you and without your agreement

How do I activate my account?

When you receive the email you have to click on the provided activation link (or copy and paste into your browser). Once you have done this you will be fully registered.

This step is necessary to make your account active. Otherwise, accounts without activation are deleted ten days later. Besides, accounts waiting for email validation are banned from posting.

Because an email is sent to you after complete registration form with the link and/or code needed to make you a full registered user, some things can happen on the way. But mostly problems with email delivery.

If after a reasonable amount of time you do not receive an email from us please check your email folders than inbox. Maybe the email is located on a different place due to filters or rules set by you. Besides, few ISP can stop certain email content because they think it's spam.

If you can't find our email at all don't worry, another one will be dispatched on next 24h and we will be doing it several times for a period of ten days asking you to complete registration. If after this period none confirmation is received, username (account) will be deleted.

If you're unsuccessful waiting for our email to arrive we strongly suggest you to register again using a different email address and report the problem to your ISP/email provider.

Besides you can claim for your activation code anytime you want by going here: Forex-TSD - Email Activation Codes

Finally, if you're unable to receive activation mail or for any question feel free to contact us.

Please, do not ask for password change or account confirmation, or email inbox change when contacting. Forum privacy rules does not allow that changes unless real ID proof is shown. You have to proof you are the account owner, or inbox owner.

How do I clean or change my password?

If you forgot or lost your password or invalidated your log in you need to go to Forex-TSD - Lost Password Recovery Form

Seconds later you will receive an email from us explaining how to log in and change your password. The link provided on email is valid for 24 hours since received. Once you click on the link just received your password will be reset, and the new password will be emailed to you. This is your temporal password.

Then, you need to go to and login using your username and just received password.

For security purposes we highly recommend your to change the password again for a new one choose by you. To perform this task, go to you account, click on Edit Email & Password You will need to write your current password (the one we just sent) on the first field and the new one on both second and third field.

Of course, email will be sent to email account you write and becomes a supposition is the one related with your username. This means you can't ask for password cleaning from email account when the forum account is related with email account

If you're unable to receive any email for password cleaning due explanations written above you have to Forex-TSD - Contact Us

Remember Forum privacy rules does not allow that changes unless real ID proof is shown. Administrators will ask several info that only the real account owner can know. But, also can choose to ignore the request. Changes on behalf of will be mostly ignored. This means: somebody with email account asking for changes to username with email account


Dealing with email


Often in a week I receive many emails from people saying activation codes or account confirmation email or forgot password email isn't delivered.

And because that, they request us to reset and clean his account password.

We can confirm our emails are not stopped by any of the big email provider. This means gmail, yahoo, live. Exception is AOL marking sometimes as Spam. But email with origina on Forex-TSD are mostly delivered without problems.

If you are suffering for some problem with origin in email delivery we suggest to check your Spam folder prior to request any assistance.

If email is marked as Spam by your email provider there is no big deal. You can just unmark the email and I bet your email provider have some self learning Spam filter that will let you mark our emails as safe.

But, if you just can't find our email after check any folder, including junk or Spam, and you think email was simple not delivered: You should become suspicious your current ISP is blocking some emails to you, and consider to change your email provider immediately if after some talking they do not change on attitude.

Email providers can help you dealing with Spam but can't prevent email being delivered even if email is well known with Spam content or sender is untrusted or whatever.

I'm writing these words because I have discovered some ISP simple do not perform email delivery considering email is spam.

And beyond my thinking that sometimes this happens because ISP is crappy, if your ISP falls into crap category you have another good chance to change for a better service right now.

By preventing email delivery, email provider is committing an illegal act and you should notify authorities.

You wouldn't like your postman being stopped by a gang on the corner next to you house with a letter to you right? that's illegal. Well, preventing email delivery is illegal too.

You're the owner of the email and you have the right to make what you want with your email.


Login Time

Hi Linuxer

where I can set my Login time ?

I must new login allways after 30 min or so, when I will write or answer on a post.

I see welcome Badguy on the top right.

I can write this post, but when I will send this post I must relogin once again.

It's normal ?




As far as I know if there is no activity at all for some period (15 or 30 minutes, not sure right now) then you are logged off automatically (at least that is what I have been told)

But maybe newdigital has more information regarding that

Hi Linuxer

where I can set my Login time ?

I must new login allways after 30 min or so, when I will write or answer on a post.

I see welcome Badguy on the top right.

I can write this post, but when I will send this post I must relogin once again.

It's normal ?


thanks mladen

it's very painful. When I'm in my office ( for work ) I don't have the time to be activ the hole time.

Wait for response or so, then I'm active.

I will ask newdigital. Other places I can set the login time for hours or permanent.

As far as I know if there is no activity at all for some period (15 or 30 minutes, not sure right now) then you are logged off automatically (at least that is what I have been told) But maybe newdigital has more information regarding that

Dear user (who are lost in change your temporal password )

After login using "one time" password clean access link (delivereded by email) you will be forward to the section where you can set a new password. Write you temporal password and confirm twice your new.

If you're already login with your temporal password.

Click on User Tools and then click UserCP. Go to My Settings, by last choose to edit Username and Password.



Some of users have noticed some problems when logging in in the last hour or two.

The problem was a simple security certificate expiration and developers have already resolved the issue.