Ras 32058 fastgainer - page 2


Wrong and UNFAIR calculation!

Dear ZioB,

that's a really good question. Of course we don't provide THIS model for micro - but a very good alternative!

If you trade our system with micro you will be charged with 60 % of all profits you made through our system. It's still kind of "if profitable" but way expensiver during a long periode than with mini or standard.


Your account gained $100 through our system the first month, we will charge you with $60 at the end of the month. So when you reach a profit of $1,000 you already paid $600.

So, why do we make micro accounts expensiver than mini or standard? Well, we just want to make sure that every user gets the same treatment. A standard account shouldn't pay more than a micro or mini ... you see?

But after all it's still interesting, because you only pay if you were profitable.

Kind regards


Sorry, but your calculation is not correct for micro accounts users.

If you charge me $60 every $100 I earn with your signals, after $1,000 profit I'll have paid you $600, while who trade standard or mini lots only $500, according with your earlier statement here regarding bigger (standard and mini) lots size traders!

This is clearly UNFAIR for those cannot afford to trade standard or mini lots, I'm not saying to advantage the micro lots traders, but, at least, give us THE SAME conditions/treatment of bigger players charging us only $50 (and NOT 60!) every $100 profit, like, proportionally, the other ones.

EVERYONE must be proportionally charged with the invested and traded amount, or there is something wrong here, because I agree that the mini lots traders will pay you more at the end of the month (i.e., $500), but they will also earn A LOT more (more than 10x = $500!), respect to the micro lots traders (with only $40 profit)...

ONLY in this way ($50 charged - and NOT $60 - for every $100 earned, for micro lots users) you can really guarantee "the same (fair) treatment", as you say to want, for ALL your clients....

Wait for your reply above this very important point, thanks.


ONLY in this way ($50 charged - and NOT $60 - for every $100 earned, for micro lots users) you can really guarantee "the same (fair) treatment", as you say to want, for ALL your clients.... ZioB

Good point ZioB


That is good to hear the drawdown is not 900 pips!

If it is $900 usd then what lot size is the calculation based on. 1 standard lot? If that is correct then the drawdown is then 90 pips?

Please clarify.





Dear ZioB,

this is quite a really good point. Of course we DON'T want an unfair structure and treat anybody the same - doesn't matter if standard, mini or even micro account.

I have forwarded your arguments to our responsible manager who will keep an eye on this.

Of course we will change this model as soon as possible, if we'll detect any error in teh claculation model.

Thank you so far very very much for your engagement.

Kind regards



Dear PJ,

yes, we had a maximum drawdown of 90 PIPs - this is calculated per position, you see?


2 open positions:

With the first you draw down 90 PIPs with the second 30 PIPs - so you normally have a drawdown of 120 PIPs in the sum.

So, as I told you the maximum was 90 PIPs - with a mini you were down with around $90.00

Kind regards


Simple calculation

Dear ZioB,

this is quite a really good point. Of course we DON'T want an unfair structure and treat anybody the same - doesn't matter if standard, mini or even micro account.

I have forwarded your arguments to our responsible manager who will keep an eye on this.

Of course we will change this model as soon as possible, if we'll detect any error in teh claculation model.

Thank you so far very very much for your engagement.

Kind regards

I don't think your responsible manager have to make so such difficult calculation, it's a very simple matter of math (even my 10 years old daughter could do it in 2 minutes).

I would have, instead, preferred you honestly said: "Ok, you are simply right, we will adjuste immediately the conditions fee for micro accounts users to those applied to mini and standard ones, to give ALL the same FAIR treatment...", because it's so clear....

But, evidently, you need to think further on this simple point....




Dear ZioB,

of course you are right but it's not at me to adjust claculation or fee models. But I can tell you that our manager will adjust and correct the model immediately so micro accounts do have the same treatment as mini and standard accounts.

It's not in our mind to make our clients feel scammed. Of course you were right and I'd like to thank you for this hint.

Kind regards


Good news

Dear ZioB,

of course you are right but it's not at me to adjust claculation or fee models. But I can tell you that our manager will adjust and correct the model immediately so micro accounts do have the same treatment as mini and standard accounts.

It's not in our mind to make our clients feel scammed. Of course you were right and I'd like to thank you for this hint.

Kind regards

Now it's fine!



Good news

I hope so Maybe we can welcome you soon as a tester or even a new customer

Kind regards


Hello GDBrokerageLTD,

May I know where is your signal located in RAS?

I am interested in your signal system but just cannot find it.

As a new customer in your signal, do I subscribe from your RAS signal page or subscribe from your website? Which one is more appropriate / better option?

Thank you.