No Indicators - No Worries System - page 3


Vegas Idea?

50/50? Nothing in Vegas is 50/50, the house always has the edge.

Yeah, but free drinks?? lol... Hmm, I bet someday there will be a 24 hour forex trading "Palace" in Vegas for spread betting. Then we can trade and get free drinks!

Hopefully it's obvious, but my first comment was in reference to the majority of new traders. They are here for the "quick score" and don't approach the forex as an investment tool (hense the 90% or whatever of forex traders losing)...


insider secret -- HOUSE do have the edge

the edge have nothing to do with market level, but if you set SL, you are revealed, if you earn profit yesterday, you are revealed -- will it be your turn next ? they do care

but if there is a lot of ant like you and set SL at similar level or earn too much profit, the whole group will get noticed -- how to protect your investment -- even you have no clue ! (entry , exit -- are the point that you can't really see through)


rifster got good indicator himself

but is it entry -or- is it Exit, I can't really figure out yet, look more like entry, but sometime his indicator will got tell tale sign for Exit -- but why the market decide to continue after his indicator suggest Exit -- I am not able to figure out yet

anyone got indicator(that does not repaint more than 2 bars) and work in LIVE situation (i.e. not only historical chart) for better exit -- sometime, exit, could be entry of another direction too


decent idea

no forex free lunch to help you print money into your bank balance

we try so hard to discovered winning strategy while we are always in the short side, like someone playing the SLOT machine

why not do that experiment, whenever there is a hunch, we go randomly to buy or sell, but have to limit to 5 trades per day

then later, if the game is not crooked and deviate from normal statistics (has to lost the pip spread cost in this 50 50)

then we set up 2 demo account

to see whether we have a HUNCH

on which of the (50) is belong to the SURE WIN account

the other (50) belong to the sure loss account

then see how our hunch work - but if it is not 50 50 , we sure the HOUSE always win, we are just playing the game that we shall not have a consistent result and not worthwhile to use our HUNCH or analysis

this experiment could PROVE once and for all -- 2 things

is it really a zero sum game


is all the computer given number is a Fair Game

I think this random buying selling (coin flipping) can work if one has a controlled martingale. What I mean is start by risking 0.1% of equity on a trade and double up every time there is a loss so the sequence is .2%,.4%,.8% and then at that point you would be at 1.5% full risk by the fourth trade. Next wrong trade,1.6%, and you would double up to about 3%. Now the odds of getting 5 trades in a row are not as high as a person on the other end who placed 3% on a single trade. I am sure this has been discussed before but it would be the approach I would take if making an EA. Preferrably not coin flipping lol.


hi xx3xxx

can you tell me the name of the blue indicator in the picture,it seems smooth, is it repainting?

thank you



Be smarter than an average bear

insider secret -- HOUSE do have the edge

the edge have nothing to do with market level, but if you set SL, you are revealed, if you earn profit yesterday, you are revealed -- will it be your turn next ? they do care

Yeah, the house has an edge, but you can do some simple things to minimize their "edge".

First, don't scalp or day trade... only swing or larger. Don't trade the "noise", this gives the "house" a HUGE advantage.

Second (this one requires attention and practice) don't place stops on your orders. write a simple EA or script to send you an alert. The Alert can be sent via email, sms or audio pop-up inside mt4. Manually close all of your protective stop orders. If you don't have time to manually manage all of your orders, use smaller lot volumes. Anything under 5k (5 micros) will go pretty much unnoticed.

Traders will complain that they can't make a living trading with 5k lots. I would disagree, but if you need larger lots, just open up more accounts with different brokers. I have 27 live accounts just for this reason...

Traders will complain next that they can't manage 27 different accounts. This is not true either. There are several free tools that help you managed multiple accounts across different brokers. I use this one:

Welcome to ViperClicker

There are probably better ones out there, but I understand and trust this one, so I keep it around (the ole familiar thing, lol...)


it won't work -- your chosen proposal [ you could try it for 5 months and prove me wrong ]

broker will take more , when you trade more

try to do an experiment with my 50/50 experiment that I mentioned, and just leave it until it got to SL or TP -- do nothing


the ultimate Q -- that every one asking

we want to know how does the candles WILL be clustering

I think I have done enough experiment on whether pure MM or strategy will work, if we speculate the direction but not sure -- our (my) human instinct is opposite to forex as we stay ON THE SAFE SIDE


don't trust that one

that is like a snake ruler, different setting,

it go far back and then repaint the old curve and straighten the curve

maybe I should left that one out -- but just lazy, so I still put it there -- when I test how that indicator act in LIVE trading


how is your learning ? -- I show you few example of my weekend analysis here, tips: don't let the current candle take control of your view, the micro-movement is fake, but the candle length is real


this one, when the market is FLAT, very FLAT for 4 hr or so

how to set OCO to capture breakout : set it just at the level of those indicator protection range-- on the left

but if there is a gentle slop, like in the right, and not completely flatliner, don't use that Idea -- as the breakout could be fake, real direction is another one

this blue dig, I change ht indicator so it extend its candle or cluster of candle, may help out to set OCO , but as we can see, things might not turn out our way, we still need to have some form of base line

in simple words, I don't really have big faith on

set and forget system

or pure use MM (include martiangle ) to do a system that will always win -- the logics sounds, but if we consider, we can cut out for exit , early, if broker get more pips when we make more entries, the conclusion seems to be never work, but with load and load of entries, then we don't know how to handle our overall opens trans.

That's exact Level Trading invented long time ago and proposed by some forex forums and by brokers too:

Cool..I've a look again in details.

I am sure I am not the first one...not claiming to be so