Great EA, Reverse SystemBest but I need help to make it better - page 4


hi friend

friend i was take strategy test for REVERSE SYSTEM in insta forex in both real acc and live acc...but i got good result from real account but bad result from demo account.

And also it cannot put order...what can i do help me


Im really curious about this EA coding. Its very complex

bool GetPrices( int& PriceTime, int& PriceLow, int& PriceHigh)


PriceTime = FileReadInteger(handle);

FileSeek(handle, DOUBLE_VALUE, SEEK_CUR);

PriceLow = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

PriceHigh = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

Comment("High " , PriceHigh, " Low ", PriceLow);

FileSeek(handle, 2 * DOUBLE_VALUE, SEEK_CUR);

if (FileTell(handle) + BARSIZE <= FileSize(handle))





How does that work that it spits out two different values if both these lines mean the same

PriceLow = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

PriceHigh = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

How does that find high and low bar values? what is 0.1 doing there?

Im really curious about this EA coding. Its very complex

bool GetPrices( int& PriceTime, int& PriceLow, int& PriceHigh)


PriceTime = FileReadInteger(handle);

FileSeek(handle, DOUBLE_VALUE, SEEK_CUR);

PriceLow = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

PriceHigh = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

Comment("High " , PriceHigh, " Low ", PriceLow);

FileSeek(handle, 2 * DOUBLE_VALUE, SEEK_CUR);

if (FileTell(handle) + BARSIZE <= FileSize(handle))





How does that work that it spits out two different values if both these lines mean the same

PriceLow = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

PriceHigh = FileReadDouble(handle) / Point + 0.1;

How does that find high and low bar values? what is 0.1 doing there?


FileReadDouble() reads the value at the current file pointer and adjusts the pointer to a new position. After that a new FileReadDouble() reads a next value from the file, not the same one as the previous FileReadDouble() function did

0.1 is probably there to ensure that the value is not 0