EA traders take a look here!!


throughout all my yrs, coding idea after idea

the tester held me back

looking for some setup that tests good all the time

things started getting better when i stopped moving on, and stuck with something

in live trading, you can see the conditions

some days u need to turn off the ea, like bank holidays ect...

then theres nfp and other news

in a backtest your trading all them times you wouldnt in real life

like thanksgiving, christmas ect...

tester will discourage you

my conclusion is, you gotta watch it, u gotta know when to interveen

trying to find some setting that test good all the time was the thing holding me back

my ea does pretty good, i created it so i know it like the back of my hand

after watching it in visual mode countless times

i know when to pause it

thats the way i think it must be done

i couldnt imagine running a ea without being able to code

i believe any1 thats planning to use a ea should start learning to code

theres not a day that goes by that i dont open editor

my 2 cents


Yes I agree with most of you said.

To use a EA make sure you are the creator.

But one thing I need to ask: Which one is correct?Testing results or vistual results? If you think 3ATR SL is good but your testing results say 2ATR, will you change?


i would probly use what tested best

the test is probably more accurate than you just scanning charts with ur eyes

i like to watch my tests run in visual mode as well, to confirm theres no bugs in the data or the tester

edit: by watching in visual mode, you should see why 1 setting tested better


any chance u can share those eas?


i havent decided that yet

im kinda scared to, iv never gave it to any1, it is my money machine

i dont know if it would work if some millionaire started using it

i need to make my money

this ea is my results of 7eral yrs hard work, i just have a bad feeling everytime i think about posting it

i was chatting with some1 earlier today, who told me they are running my old ea for a month now, and its made over 400%

i told him that ea is only supposed to make 1-3% a month

and that something is wrong

however, you might can follow the account management plan on my site

and use that ea, the risk by default is only 0.1%

so id test the last month, increase that risk until it makes about a few hundred %

my account management plan, assumes ur using a hard core martingale

ur only supposed to invest a fraction

the ideah is to make a mill with 1k

instead of make 200k with a mill

it is a backwards logic that i use

my current ea is using that logic

at my site, in the downloads, its called


i am planning to run some tests, n see if that ea will do like im doing now

you could just wait, if i see that itl work, il open a thread for it here

explaining everything

basically what ur looking for, is something that makes over 100,000% a yr

and has several winns inbetween margin calls

theres no way around the margin call trading like this

i dont know that that ea can do it

also u gotta use account management for it to be profitable

i asked that guy if i could post his link, he said ok

wh1zz0's Profile | Myfxbook


now u must realise, on that guys link, the ea is betting either 100x or 1000x more than its supposed to

im not saying it will work, i havent tested it yet

ur first trade is supposed to be 0.1% in 30 pips

his is more like 1% or 10%

the ea is meant for ibfx mini


got one simple Q

I am a believer of filtering

but , for the best EA that you got, say 1 lot per starting entry

How many transaction (and cost of pip spread ) it cost per day

i.e. I wanna to know the NUMBER of trans , multiply by the average pip spread of that pair


i guess ur talking to me

if i let the ea do its job, and i stop messing with it

it takes 1-2 trades a week, sometimes it takes a week or longer to hit the target

my spread is 2 pips, no commission

well theres swap

the super ea can have 7eral trades a week, i 4get, its been a while since i messed with that ea

got one simple Q

I am a believer of filtering

but , for the best EA that you got, say 1 lot per starting entry

How many transaction (and cost of pip spread ) it cost per day

i.e. I wanna to know the NUMBER of trans , multiply by the average pip spread of that pair
i would probly use what tested best

the test is probably more accurate than you just scanning charts with ur eyes

i like to watch my tests run in visual mode as well, to confirm theres no bugs in the data or the tester

edit: by watching in visual mode, you should see why 1 setting tested better

Yes! I did the same thing last month and I have another question for you:By watching it in visual mode , I really dont know when to stop or restart it....because how could we recongnise the market condition? Range bound or trending?

BTW, my EA is far less profitable than yours. It made only 600% with 2%risk per trade in the three years test and there was a big drawdown about 39%.

Thanks for your help!


well, by the time we recognize the condition its to late

i solved that by using a large tf

the logic goes like this

if you trade a trend on a small time frame, how many opportunities are there

probably 1-3

if you trade a trend on a large time frame, you could have dozens, or even hundreds of opportunities before the trend changes

plus, the condition lasts longer, its not to late

i didnt start improving until i moved up to the daily

it literally took me years to get away from the small tf

m5 used to be my favorite, even though i could trade it, i lost much faster

i could spend all week making pips, then lose it all in a day

most of the classic rules you see everywhere do apply

no matter what the strategy, move it up to the daily

i know what ur thinking, the same thing i thought for years

i cannot make enough on the daily, itl take forever

since all time frames look the same, if itl work on the daily, itl work on m5

i could do a months worth of trades in hours on m5

none of that is true, theres just as much potential on the daily, actually more

i only trade eur-usd, it has the clearest trend of all the pairs

the trends last 7eral months, it makes since to find a trend that last months

look at it this way, ok iml lose when the trend reverses

on the daily i made 100 good trades before that happened, but on m5 i made 1 if that

its all perspective, thats why you can give the same setup to 2 traders, one will win, the other will lose

i know i got way off topic, i just wanted to say the things that turned me around after many yrs

your ea doesnt make enough returns to use martingale

but if you go to the daily, you dont need martingale, youl winn more than you lose, long as you obey the classic rules

this works for me, for my perspective, noone can realy say what will work for someone else

if you cannot find a clear long term trend, id say the odds are against you

the long trend is the only thing putting odds in your favor

for now im using the 50 ema on daily, at some point i might have to change that, if i cannot see a trend, i might even have to go up to the weekly at some point, u gotta find a trend

im not claiming to be a guru trader, thats just what iv learned, the hard way

if nothing else, atleast open a 2nd demo n try it, the best time to look for opportunities is at 1 am and 8 pm est, u dont have to have a trade every day, one trade a week can work

10% a month is very possible trading like that

Yes! I did the same thing last month and I have another question for you:By watching it in visual mode , I really dont know when to stop or restart it....because how could we recongnise the market condition? Range bound or trending?

BTW, my EA is far less profitable than yours. It made only 600% with 2%risk per trade in the three years test and there was a big drawdown about 39%.

Thanks for your help!