Goldmine! - page 5


A Fresh Look...Target Attained

Well price behaved

Finds itself at a major crossroads now...will it go above maroon ML or turn. Only time will tell.

Enjoy your day,


Price Is Racked...Like Pool Balls

Hi again,

Price is having a time trying to go somewhere...racked by the MLHs...2 blue and 1 green. For additional reinforcement the burgundy ML above it all. Looks like it wants to go higher. Let's see who gets the first break...bulls or bears.

I'll be watching for a while...hope it doesn't take too long


Bulls Get The Break

Bulls finally pushed through finding support on MLH as swithback line (blue one). A switchback line is where price breaks through, comes back for the retest then takes off...

Will just keep watching.

Take care,


Sideways Dancing

Hello Traders,

EurUsd has been dancing sideways during the night...grabbed a few pips. Overall though, just don't feel like expending the mental and emotional energy involved with scalping.

It's Friday. Congrats for making it through the week.

Enjoy the weekend,


Update for Next Week

Hello traders,

I notice that many of you have been downloading the charts I have posted. I suppose some of you are new to Pitchforks and it may help you to understand how they work if I make notes on my charts to help you to see what they are communicating. Please let me know how that works.

Have a great weekend,



Pitchfork Intro

Hello Traders,

As promised, attached is a chart showing the basics of the Pitchfork. As I mentioned earlier, there are many rules associated with effectively using this wonderful tool, but I think with this basic understanding, you should be able to gain some insight into my charts.

Thanks for your interest.



On Second Thought

Hello again traders,

On second thought, I think it would be better if I did one post about the general properties of the fork than try to post notes on each chart. Learning how to use the Pitchfork is a study in itself, but the basic understanding would be beneficial.

If you would like to learn how to use it, please let me know.

Enjoy your weekend.



Chart Updates

Hello Traders,

A very quiet night for me (London Session). Price was in a very tight range...then came the expected breakout... to the upside. Will post charts later today before the Asian session and then again before the London session.

Have a very busy day. Hope the US session proves to be exciting and profitable.

FYI: The 4-Hr EurUsd chart had shown some bullish sentiment end of last week. We'll see how long it lasts.

Take care,



Chart Update...Where To Next?

Hi again,

Morning schedule allowed for a quick post. We'll see if Friday's bullish sentiment will continue. For new pitchfork traders, observe how price reacts when it encounters a fork line (called a tine).

Take care,

Hello Traders,

A very quiet night for me (London Session). Price was in a very tight range...then came the expected breakout... to the upside. Will post charts later today before the Asian session and then again before the London session.

Have a very busy day. Hope the US session proves to be exciting and profitable.

FYI: The 4-Hr EurUsd chart had shown some bullish sentiment end of last week. We'll see how long it lasts.

Take care,

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Hi FX4Newbies

Thank you for the helpful Information