Why are traders so mad!!! - page 7



Why are Traders so MAD lately?



haha, funny stuff pava


have to say, with the BP scandal, it could be argued some British companies are arrogant.


actually, when there is FOOD ISSUES, the minister will bring their kids to let the MEDIA film they eat the FOOD in question

we could feed those recently catch fish and shrimp and sea food and feed the BP people and the ENGLISHMEN in New York

then after 5 years, see whether they have develop DYSLEXIC or BSE/CJD alike moron symptom, this way, we could know whether the crude , sulphur and lead pass through the food chain

BRITISH idiocy is more harmful than it apparently gentle accent


as their culture believe argue for argue sake , no absolute right or wrong == their science knowledge is horrific terrible i.e white FACE but indian alike INSIDE their heads -- no wonder why europe give them BSE / CJD label, I still think it is a propaganda , rather than a true pyron does exist in large of their population


british hate everyone, irish, german (deutsch) and japanese

human have choice with their brain analytical power

but the BP disaster is almost certain for marine life holocaust as they just eat anything that they found

been to deutschland, the deutsch got a HARD ACCENT but they are friendly (esp if you speak a bit of their language) - and their engineering phone and bank are the most advanced in the world

I am humble by the german interviewer on BLOOMBERG TV said, they have to pay for GREECE debt because of the holocaust incident -- but actually, they are just a Richer Nation than the Neighbourhood countries and they got good export on their engineers and engineering product

so I think the british royal family just a bunch of NICE FUR PETS -- that pass shit around and cost around

as their UNIVERSITY got 70s (lecturer and professor) and obsolete equipment for their engineering school, no architecture course there too -- so what could WE expect the engineers and accountants to be in a British Petroleum companies to be??? (idiots)


which broker is the most honest, since the forex suppose to be a ZERO-SUM game

we can have some READER to put some table tennis ball or playing cards in the TUMBLE DRYER[lottery] -- could have an excel decode table, each card represent one currency , up or down -- we could put tennis ball inside the socks

then it could recommend trading which pair, which direction to trade

say SL -55 (5 pip for the indicated pip spread cost, i.e. -51 if your broker say 1 pip spread cost for $eurusd) and TP fixed at +50 pips

-- i.e. after a while, if the broker is very GOOD and the market do not have much NEWS , like previous few months, minus all the pip spread cost -- the above suppose to do it every single time, deduct the pip spread cost

the DEMO suppose to be ZERO SUM -- net gain or loss -- or just minus all the total transaction x pip spread cost

- OR -

we can put the screen capture of our entry in WORD or EXCEL


if it is successful, then we keep that screen capture -- this way, we could check whether the ENTRY point -- any things has REPAINT -- during EXIT

this way, one and for sure, we know whether this forex game is crooked

The trader so mad because they 're loosing money!!!

Or the chart of currency change up and down rapidly


Traders are so made because most of them lost money..


Trader becomes mad when he's losing money .. but when he's making profit he's never mad !!