Why are traders so mad!!! - page 6


we could do something about it-- to show our hatred toward english companies

england only got 3 to 4 industry left





when I look at GBP/CHF, GBP/USD, GBP/JPY and GBP/AUD

it is hard to GET PROFIT from trading those

-- so we don't have to be the retails traders sponsoring (or the liaison companies) the above and support their EITHER WAY accounting flip flop thinking in managing the IDIOPATHIC engineering companies worldwide

the BIG WORD is from a medicine textbook , use to describe a Dr decision, it use it so often, but the meaning is not found in any dict.

fxnewbie...I see your avatar smiling wide while dolphins die out there...I do disagree with you...not about methane but about the danger of what is going on in the Gulf in general....

Dolphins usually don't die because oil spills. They breathe oxigen from air.

But fish and other creatures takes oxigen from water, and the food chain can be severly damaged.



Dolphins usually don't die because oil spills. They breathe oxigen from air. But fish and other creatures takes oxigen from water, and the food chain can be severly damaged.

fxnewbie...sorry to break your oxygen bubble...dolphins die in the gulf as we speak...waters over there has so much deadly pollutants...and so is the air...check your information...

fxnewbie...sorry to break your oxygen bubble...dolphins die in the gulf as we speak...waters over there has so much deadly pollutants...and so is the air...check your information...

i think it will take many years to clear up this mess totally.



i think it will take many years to clear up this mess totally.

I don't think our civilization has enough time to do that....


answer to the thread title...

simple.. people come to forums/read ads/watch infomercials thinking they will find some 6 figure making system and then proceed to open their 500.00 dollar account with some market maker and then fail more than once. then they get mad and say forex is scam, etc, etc...I'm not saying you can't do something like that..but most traders will never do that because they don't want to do any REAL footwork and not buy into everything they read and think it will make them a millionaire or even a thousandaire!



"Did you know that since the Gulf of Mexico oil and methane gas leak our World has experienced its hottest temperatures in recorded history?"...

Just as I predicted in post #35...a sheen of oil over ocean waters will produce higher temperatures...


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hehehe, the french NEWS TV , said the CAP work

and then the fisherman said -- oooh good, we could stop placing floating pillow around the oil cluster, start to poison the BP fish and shrimp up the food chain

they the NEWS always mention the 11 people dies while not mention the few hundreds who team up and screw this up-- moron british engineering education



hehehe, the french NEWS TV , said the CAP work

and then the fisherman said -- oooh good, we could stop placing floating pillow around the oil cluster, start to poison the BP fish and shrimp up the food chain

they the NEWS always mention the 11 people dies while not mention the few hundreds who team up and screw this up-- moron british engineering education

Yep...someone is lying....