The Wisdom of Crowds !!!



we all know that "The Wisdom of Crowds" are a simple phenomenon. Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations.

For that we can make a forex trading strategy. The more the merrier...

When here many forex-traders make a little rating

how the EUR/USD currency pair stand on 31th Dezember 2010, we can watch the course very exactly??? Please give us your believe to the stand of course on End of the year.

My rating is: 1.2020 What is your rating?

When we have here many ratings, I make a average rating of "The Wisdom of Crowds". We would than see that "The Wisdom of Crowds" works on Forex ?!

Have a good day and give us yourrating to the EUR/USD currency-pair course on 31th December 2010 please.




What is? I will only your peronaly rating...


71 Views on this thread, but nobody give a rating for this pair?




Rating for EURUSD on 31st Dec, 2010

is 1.4420

All the best




interesting...will have to think...I'll be back


from Mexico


Because this manipulating prices will return to its normal behavior again.

interesting...will have to think...I'll be back

"WILL" = do you need the help of others to have an idea or tho come up with an aswer ?


you are a member of forex-tsd for a little bit more then 1 year. I am sure that in the complete historie of forex-tsd never has a member posted nearly 1000 postings over that period of time.

Or you sleep on this forum or you have nothing else to do in your life beside looking to this forum and add useless postings. Even the most stupid postings : like your last posting here in this topic; you need to think about the subject before you going to post.

We are not interest that you need to think before you post. Even in the complete majority of your posts we are not interested.

Post something because you have to say something but don't say something because you want to make a posting.

Get a life! instead of sitting here all day long and making postings like it is the most important thing in your life, do something to make yourself usefull...

Go fishing to eat something or help your mother cleaning the house ...

The only thing you do right now is taking up a lot of useless space. In cyber, on this forum and on the server of your provider.... again get a life !


... final answer...

P.S.: priny}I{dai Menya bez ny}I{di...


Hi iGoR

Hi iGoR,

have you a rating to the course by EUR/USD currency-pair for end of the year too?




1.3754 give or take 100 point.

Hi iGoR,

have you a rating to the course by EUR/USD currency-pair for end of the year too?



Sorry MRoxton but I don't.

Many years ago I stopped making predictions. Because it forces you to take in a bias that is or bullish or bearish. That leads automaticly that you block your view to the other half of possible trades that one can take.

I learned to trade what I see and not on what I hope for.

Again sorry that I can't help you.

Friendly regards...iGoR


i think eurusd : 1.4040