T101 basket trading system - math analysis - page 5


Thanks hopfi2k for this indicator. I am suggesting one more enhancement. That is to have the option to select Daily trend also so that I can have two sets at the same time, Daily and weekly readings. Why is that I cannot have two instances of this indicator on the same chart?



Great tool...thanks for sharing

Maybe there will be a few people asking you to add this or that...It's always your choice whether to do it or not.

As for me, I would like to have a "Time since last trend change" similar to "Time since last jump"

And If you could write a timestamp into a file each time a trend change occurs and the type of the trend.

So I can analyse the logfile and see what would have happened if I'd followed the signal

Thanks in advance

Hello all,



Hi Andy,

Thanks for your great Indy.

I have a question, is this Indy starts on every Monday at certain time, i.e. GMT 00:00, or perhaps at 02:00 Server time?

Again, I'm thanking you in advance.


cheers hop, seems very useful.


great work, thanks


Start Time

Hi Andy,

Just an additional idea if possible.

We can set starting calculation based on GMT 23:00 asia, GMT 05:00 pre europe, GMT 11:00 pre usa, and GMT 17:00 post europe, server time.

Or GMT 23:00 should be enough for Asia session.

And by weekly starting point, so Indicator will calculate based on every Monday morning at GMT 23:00.

The result is so amazing, I've tried using the original system which is initially announced by Julius, and developing it into the above sessions, we can get more than 500 pips daily.

It's too good to be true, but me and friends are still in demo account, but soon we're going on with real account.

Thanks a lot for your effort to make our life easier.

Hello all,

Attached you'll find the Virtual Trade Monitor v2.1 (indicator).

Thanks, nice tool, indeed.

Here is few comments:

1) 'Sum buys' and 'Sum sells' seems to be swapped

2) You could add symbol suffix autodetection, as I'm using IBFX and adding 'm' to each pair is just irritating. Try code like this:

TradePair = StringSubstr( TradePair, 0, 6 ) + StringSubstr( Symbol(), 6 );

3) Sometimes a pair disappears, and slot becomes black.

4) It would be nice to have start time displayed (maybe with some counter saying how much time passed).

5) Do you include swap or commision to this, or it is only profit based on pips and tick value?

6) Indeed, it would be nice to have few indicators like this on single chart. Especially if they could be restarted on given hour.


Thanks @all for the feedback!

Let me take the opportunity to answer your questions:

1. The indicator starts with the opening of the market at the beginning of each week.

2. Spread is taken into account

3. I know about the "pair disappearing" bug (slot becomes black), almost fixed

Now, let me comment the various wishes and suggestions:

@IamThat: Well, it is quite easily possible to also have a Daily set displayed. I'm just wondering how to place it on the screen? Can you (or someone else) suggest where exactly to display a Daily set?

@iwjw: Time since last trend change can be done easily. I'll include it in the next bug fixed release. An optional log-file is no big deal either. Can you please specify which informations you exactly want in the log file?

@Nopik: Indeed you are right, I "Sum buys" and "Sum sells" is swapped - already fixed this. I think that adding a "start time" display is quite obsolete, because start time is always opening of the market at the beginning of the week. Don't you think so? No commission or swap is included, because the indicator only monitors price action - in accordance with Julius IA idea. All prices are calculate from the opening of the market beginning each week.

The indicator should handle symbol suffix autodetection. Unfortunately, I can't test it. Is there any broker that has demo accounts with strange suffixes?

I know there are still some small bugs, and I'm working on fixing them (luckily not all of them have been discover yet... ). Expect a new version shortly.

My intention was to use this indicator to make more profit using jumping pairs. From my experience they usually give good profit with almost no risk. Especially if you spot a jumping pair with the indicators help, wait if it doesn't jump back for a few minutes (watch "Time since last jump"), and increase your positions if the pairs start moving to position 1 and 14. Close your position if it retraces back 2 positions. I don't know if this is the optimum or even recommended way of trading jumping pairs, but at least for me it gives some good pips.

Any comments, criticism or suggestion is always welcome.




Logfile V.T.M

Hi hopfi2k

I only need two entities: Timestamp(yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss);Trend(plain text)


2010.04.27 10:15:27;Short weak

2010.04.27 10:23:35;Short strong

Thanks in advance

Thanks @all for the feedback!

@IamThat: Well, it is quite easily possible to also have a Daily set displayed. I'm just wondering how to place it on the screen? Can you (or someone else) suggest where exactly to display a Daily set?

Any comments, criticism or suggestion is always welcome.




It is good have the option of choosing Weekly or Daily externally. Then I can have two instances of the indicator on the same chart. But I have tried to put two indicators either Samir with yours, but it erases all pairs in the first indicator. Probably to do with the global variables. Is it possible to rectify that? I need to have separate indicators for Weekly and Daily on the same chart which is not possible now but it works on different charts. Hope you can do it for me.

Thank you.