The Koala System ( Newbie Friendly ) - page 4


Hi Trader801,

I like your system and it looks promising. The only thing is that it seems to be for experienced traders. I will test it on different currency pairs if that is ok with you and post my results here in a few weeks. Do you think it will work on the more agressive pairs?

Hi Trader801, I like your system and it looks promising. The only thing is that it seems to be for experienced traders. I will test it on different currency pairs if that is ok with you and post my results here in a few weeks. Do you think it will work on the more agressive pairs?

i welcome all participation However do practice proper money management...

aggressive pairs i presume you mean spiky? Hmmm The Koala System is primary a trend trader . . . BTW this system is designed to be newbie friendly.. why do you think it is for experienced koalas? do let me know ! will be most happy to try my best to help ..


Hi all, find below the latest The Koala System Weekly Review from my blog posted here for your convenience!


Helllloooo Koalas!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend so far.

Last week, we saw The Koala System giving us three standard opportunities for harvest. After a test of the 1.3285+/- region, the EUR/USD turned bullish. I also spoke about the characteristics of The Koala System. A system to cultivate patience, discipline and consistency.

This week brought The Koala System one standard opportunity. Users employing a risky methodology could possibility squeeze two more risky opportunities. ( triangles ) However as i mentioned previously, this is not the preferred way to use The Koala System.

The standard opportunity came early in the week as the EUR/USD eased off the initial reaction of the market on the developments of the Greece deficit crisis which caused the forex gap. After which, hesitation took over and trading range was tight.

Nearer to midweek, sentiments pick up as Greece bond auctions gave good response. The price was choppy but moving up, giving the first risky opportunity.

Towards the end of the week, weak data coming out from the US and renewed concerns about Greece overwhelmed the bulls and the EUR/USD gave way. The second risky opportunity was presented here.

Now i know that some folks will probably start to feel " Arrggh this lousy koala! Never giving me good harvests" Please be fair to our 3 koalas. ( the 3 SMAs ) The market now is in a rather challenging period and the low rate of success is probably not isolated with The Koala System only. Do not forget the times when The Koala System brought you great harvest! Have a little faith in them and remember that forex is for the long run!

Check out the latest EUR/USD Weekly Review for a heads up.

Trade Safely and be nice to your 3 koalas ok?


I love it when my chart works! Red line is crucial now... 1.3455 +/-

eurusd.jpg  52 kb

remember, Asia is widely believed to be a main driver of the recovery..

Asian stocks rose, driving the MSCI Asia Pacific Index up by the most in five weeks, as better-than- estimated results from Elpida Memory Inc. and Apple Inc. boosted confidence in the global economic recovery.


Greece budget deficit revised upwards.

Risk aversion is strong!


The Greece bail out provided relief for the EUR/USD. Noted how the currency pair tested 1.32 and 1.34?


hi all, the system review will be done tomorrow... in the meanwhile feel free to read the new articles released over the weekend at the koala blog... cheers..


Hi all, find below the latest The Koala System Weekly Review from my blog posted here for your convenience!


Good day fellow users of The Koala System.

I hope you had a fruitful week.

In the previous review, we noted that the patience of users were tested as we had only one standard opportunity. While there were two more risky opportunities to be squeezed, i mentioned that this is not the preferred way to use The Koala System. The market now is in a rather challenging period and the low rate of success is probably not isolated with The Koala System only.

This week brought us two standard opportunities.

During the early part of the week, price action was slow and weak. The Koala System served us well, displaying signs of no trading. ( Flipping koalas and price cutting through the koalas ) During such slow trading sessions, the price can go either way and hence staying out will be a wise choice. The majority of the market was probably concerned about the meeting of the officials of Greece, the European Commission, ECB and IMF.

While there were two risky opportunities ( Triangle ) to be attempted, my opinion remains that it is not advisable unless you are employing strict proper money management and a seasoned trader.

Towards the end of the week, concerns regarding the Greek deficit crisis grew so strong that the EUR/USD went as low as 1.32 +/-. This was probably due to risk aversion. Prior to that move, falling sentiments gave us the first standard opportunity. ( Circle )

Worried of having unsustainable borrowing costs, Greece requested for a bail out towards the end of the week and that improved sentiments. The train up gave us the second standard opportunity.

Despite challenging conditions, The Koala System served us well. Stay true to it and you will find success. Remember forex is for the long run.

Trade safely and i will see you soon

p/s do kindly rate this thread if i am doing a good job.. at least i know i am not being an irritating koala :P