The Koala System ( Newbie Friendly ) - page 2

....Stay true to the values of patience and discipline and a slow and steady success should not be out of reach! Remember making money in Forex is never about shortcuts!

Hi Trading801,

You asked to give us our opinion. If I can help you a bit with mine...

Last week you had 3 correct entrys according your rules. Those entrys can come whenever during the day. And a day on forex is lasting 24hours.

Regardless of your rules (because trading from 3 parallel MA's is quite subjective-- a bit the same as trading from a support or resistance line--nearlly impossible to program this in an EA. And if you can not program it then it means it is subjective) just think about the fact that you need to sit in front of your pc 24H per day or whenever because some people live in total different time zone's. And you need to wait a whole week for 3 signals. Do you think that you can trade this way for 10 years? Even how profitable it would be ??...

I know that you say that patience is very important. And that is absolutly true in trading. But you need to realize that for a person it is impossible to sit a long amount of time in front of a pc and waiting for 3 setups in a whole week even that each trade was a profitable trade. YES you can do that 1 week or 1 month but you will not do that that fror a whole year.

Profitable trading is not only develloping a system that is profitable but also looking for a system that a normall person can handle without becoming a slave of his pc that needs to sit continioulsy in front of his screen with a skin colour that turns grey and eyes that look like blood red marbles.

Friendly regards....iGoR

i like simple systems.. not bad for beginners. did u try it on other pairs?

hi buddy, i have not done so as EUR/USD is my most favorite pair... although i do know some of my readers went on to try others... not sure of the success though

Hi Trading801,

You asked to give us our opinion. If I can help you a bit with mine...

Last week you had 3 correct entrys according your rules. Those entrys can come whenever during the day. And a day on forex is lasting 24hours.

Regardless of your rules (because trading from 3 parallel MA's is quite subjective-- a bit the same as trading from a support or resistance line--nearlly impossible to program this in an EA. And if you can not program it then it means it is subjective) just think about the fact that you need to sit in front of your pc 24H per day or whenever because some people live in total different time zone's. And you need to wait a whole week for 3 signals. Do you think that you can trade this way for 10 years? Even how profitable it would be ??...

I know that you say that patience is very important. And that is absolutly true in trading. But you need to realize that for a person it is impossible to sit a long amount of time in front of a pc and waiting for 3 setups in a whole week even that each trade was a profitable trade. YES you can do that 1 week or 1 month but you will not do that that fror a whole year.

Profitable trading is not only develloping a system that is profitable but also looking for a system that a normall person can handle without becoming a slave of his pc that needs to sit continioulsy in front of his screen with a skin colour that turns grey and eyes that look like blood red marbles.

Friendly regards....iGoR

IGor .. wise words indeed from a perspective of the sustainability.. hmmmm do you have any suggestions on how can we further ease the wait?

however i must comment that these days, the koala system's opportunities are clocking in at a lesser rate due to the whipsaws... i used to see at least once a day... ultimately, to share a little more ... the aim of this system is to help one maximise his change to catch a long lasting trend... you know those lasting days kind.. ( with a proper trailing stop ) the essence of the system is so that it will cultivate and "tame" those impulsive traders... saving them from margin calls....

really appreciate your views!!! it is better than been alone here :P

IGor .. wise words indeed from a perspective of the sustainability.. hmmmm do you have any suggestions on how can we further ease the wait?

Hi Trading 801,

Not really. I could say read a book or watch some TV but before you know it you are caught up so much in your book or a movie that you miss out on your entry.

Or you change your rules in such a way that it can be programmed in an EA so that it can take in the trades automaticly or alert you so that you could do other things in life then just staring all day long at a 15min. euro chart for an entry that maybe will not come that day.

Friendly regards...iGoR


ah then this is tricky..

for me.. i pop open the chart once in a while to see if we are in a suitable zone.. cause i take forex trading as a slow paced hobby.. nothing obsessive to place trades every now and then... just like a koala munching and munching lol but honestly... when you hit the right one, i have seen harvest of hundreds of pips!!

arrrgghh how can we refine this more


aww, love koala's, so cute!

aww, love koala's, so cute!

thanks !! i love them so much ...

anyway the EUR/USD seems bounded by the two lines on my daily review... for now...

eurusd_3.jpg  10 kb

hmmmm, interesting system, can you teach me

hehehehe, how you doing KK, I see you find another way to avoid jail... nice system of yours... it's good you are teaching others... by the way guys... this guy save me from many others MC's so hear him and follow him, he has a lot to share and he doesn't want any recognition nor anything, he is a great pal

hmmmm, interesting system, can you teach me hehehehe, how you doing KK, I see you find another way to avoid jail... nice system of yours... it's good you are teaching others... by the way guys... this guy save me from many others MC's so hear him and follow him, he has a lot to share and he doesn't want any recognition nor anything, he is a great pal

LOL hey f4p nice to see you here new coder on the block eh :P


price is aproaching the s/r i drew on my eur/usd daily review .. 1.3285 ! possible support