OsakaFx Signals


Sell Cad/Jpy 88.90 S/L 90.15 Target 88.00



Buy Eur/JPY 122.50 S/L Recent Low Target 122.70


Eur/Jpy Stop Hit

Eur/Jpy -40


March 22

Eur/Jpy -40

Japanese bank holiday, combined with more negative news out of Europe (Greece), resulted in a lack of an upward push before a continuation of the downward trend.

Cad/Jpy +90

Consolidation of the overbought Canadian dollar. Cad strength will likely continue this week with positive economic news on tap.


Buy Eur/Usd

Buy Eur/Usd 1.3560 S/L 1.34850 Target 1.3590


Eur/Usd Stop Hit -75


Sell Eur/Jpy 121.60 S/L 122.07 Target 121.28


Closing Eur/Jpy at break even


Sell Aud/Jpy

Sell Aud/Jpy 83.70 S/L 84.50 Target 82.70


Buy Gbp/Usd

Buy Gbp/Usd 1.4975 S/L 1.4875 Target 1.5015