MT4 to MT5 code converter - page 5


Though using MT5 platform has its merits, but need almost sacrifice most MT4 indicators used before (except you have lots of programming skills or time or money to convert). I strongly do not think it is worth to change to MT5 platform in the future.


app coding teaching -- can-not be easily found on the net

relearn the whole thing

wanna to write to administrator but murder-laden (my guess) is the same

anyway, my first grad school project is e-business model

that is not easy

-- forex-tsd already got such a strong forces of MT4 coders (MT5, not everyone will take it up right now)

why not we jump out of MT trading

but have a NEW SECTION about following technology

simple HTML5

android-template basic

some apps on ipad or iphone that we know the coding

(not everyone got android or apple computer to learn) -- but CODERS are good in DRY-RUN in their head

these day, we have screen capture and youtube

let's say 2 to 8 persons got everything and know a bit about APP TECHNOLOGY and app CODING

then these people got EMULATOR on their computer , with some screen video capture software

and a NEW SECTION in forex-tsd

we can all start to LEARN about APPS CODING technology

-- later on, forex-tsd could put a nomination fees like 10 USD or 20euro to that section when it grows

---- this is quite distant (as we don't know who got those computer at home, and know apps template ) and willing to show or teach others

--- but like many NASDAQ or SILICON VALLEY thing, this is NEW APP coding

if we start it, we could become a BIGGER TOP SITE

just a good suggestion for the development of a brand new section of the web site (not about forex though, but app coding)


knowing programming knowledge is good, but most people do not has such knowledge base or time to learn, especially new things or programming languages.

Programmers only constitute small proportion of traders, if trading is only of priority to programmers, then i think financial markets in general will not has much sustainable future.


are you a trader ?

is your strategy sustainable yet (more than break-even)



Though using MT5 platform has its merits, but need almost sacrifice most MT4 indicators used before (except you have lots of programming skills or time or money to convert). I strongly do not think it is worth to change to MT5 platform in the future.
knowing programming knowledge is good, but most people do not has such knowledge base or time to learn, especially new things or programming languages. Programmers only constitute small proportion of traders, if trading is only of priority to programmers, then i think financial markets in general will not has much sustainable future.

I must (and agree) with you on these things. Closing a coding language of a trading platform to non-coders (by making the direct transition impossible and coding as complicated as is) was not a well thought of step and already it is obvious that stuff for metatrader is less and less (which is a pity since it was growing very fast when they decided to change it all). With a "bring in the metatrader 5" rush decision every part of metatrader was hurt badly (the code developing part developed by traders as well as by coders) and some kind of a miracle will be needed to change that trend


Just a random thought about "conspiracy", would changing to MT5 can create lots of jobs and money opportunities for Programmers , but sacrifice majority of traders who are non-programmers?


I don't think about it in terms of conspiracy

When metatrader started they had something very similar to Easy language (the tradestation coding language). Then they made metatrader 4 and changed the language (yes, even then all had to be rewritten, but then there was much less code for that metatrader) And, during years. they got it more or less right and mql4 become a usable language. The fact that they did not do anything regarding code security (they are not doing anything regarding that in metatrader 5 either) and that it (the impossibility to protect coders work) tossed away a lot of good coders is another matter, but mql4 is a usable trading platform coding language. I bolded the previous couple of words on purpose : coding and coding for trading and trading platform are two completely different things

And then someone came to a bright idea to change that all again. Adding classes and object orientated stuff to a trading platform is of very little common sense. Making shooting stars and sexy backgrounds for charts is maybe interesting to somebody, but what does all that have to do with trading? Trying to force object orientated things into a sequential process (action-reaction type since trading is all about that, nothing else) is just adding lag to already slowed down processes in metatrader 5 (for now they are faster simply because there are no users for metatrader 5, but just take a look of the "speed" of refreshing your charts and you are going to see the "future of fast order executions" if there are going to be as much users in metatrader 5 as in metatrader 4) and clouding the fact that they made everything so complicated that it will never be bug free (and I mean serious bugs) does not and will never help in that matter either, So all in all, it is not about conspiracy but about making decisions without considering what will the results of some decision be

To end : no conspiracy. Bad choices and ignoring that they depend on users, not brokers. Without users writing accessible code for their trading platform the future of that trading platform will not exist

Just a random thought about "conspiracy", would changing to MT5 can create lots of jobs and money opportunities for Programmers , but sacrifice majority of traders who are non-programmers?

yes, without easy and low cost transition from MT4 to MT5 and mutual compatibility, MT5 cannot gain popularity in trading community.


I think it's a marketing strategy of MetaQuotes.

Now MT5 has a different product, it wants to sell to brokers.

Then when this disseminated, then create MT6, which will be a fusion of the two.

You will have the good of MT5, and MT4 trading system.

So it will be a marked improvement from what existed, and again it sold to brokers

Rewrite MQL 4 to MQL 5 Script

A script which converts MQL 4 code to MQL 5 code was developed by Keiji and Circlesquares on the MQL4 forum.

First, download the following files and place them in your Metatrader 4 / experts / include folder

- mt4accountinfo.mqh

- mt4string.mqh

- mt4datetime.mqh

- mt4objects_1.mqh

- mt4timeseries_2.mqh

Now, place the latest version of the rewrite script and it in your Metatrader 4 / experts / scripts folder:

- mq4to5rewrite_sample_v4_2.mq4

After that you will need to place a mql4 indicator, script or ea which you want to convert to MQL 5 in your Metatrader 4 / experts / files folder. Now open Metatrader 4 and run the script, the script is located in the navigator window. As you can see you must first provide the exactly name (without extension) of your mq4 file and select if it is an indicator (0), EA (1) or script (2) file.

Now hit the "OK" button and if everything is done

After that go to your Metatrader 4 / experts / files folder and you will find the converted mq5 file there:

Now open this file with Metaeditor 5 in compile it.

Try to fix the errors with the MQL4 to MQL5 Porting Table and the last version of the translated MQL5 user guide.

All the required files is included in the ZIP

Woww, that's really nice sharing. I hope it will be usefull for every trader who wants to trade by MT5, like me.
